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Music production. HELP? - Sophie - 11-27-2012 06:24 AM

What are the stages a band or artist would have to go through before they can produce an album?!

- wreckwren - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

There are heaps. Obviously the first is finding talented musicians, then writing and rehearsing, then playing live, along with more writing, then playing bigger shows, then more writing, then hopefully someone with presence in the industry notices you and signs you.

You then write more, record and continue writing. If you're signed to a decent label then production will be handled for you. It's often luck of the draw these days whether or not you get a decent producer.

- Torbjorn - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

The other poster here is absolutely correct that it takes a lot of steps and a massive amount of work (as well as luck), if you want to have an whole album produced in the traditional manner.

You should probably first and foremost ask yourself the magic question "why?" What is it you want to achieve by making a whole album, and will you gain anything from it at this stage?

Without thinking things through properly in advance, you risk setting yourself up for all sort of scammers (low life and good-for-nothing agents, promoters, producers and studio owners).

If you just want to make what is called a vanity recording, then sure go for it... Just be aware that you will have to pay for everything yourself - a record company is only interested in something they know is going to sell. In other words you will need to prove yourself first.

And please be aware that making a good recording is not something you pull off just like that.

These days it is absolutely possible to make decent sounding recordings and sell it outside of the regular recording, distribution and sales channels - just be cautious of what you're getting into. There is enough people out there who are more than willing to take your money and run.

Aiming for a whole album is usually a recipe for disaster for most unsigned bands and artists. A far better option is to make one song at the time and use these for promotion as well as distribution through your own channels (YouTube, download/pay sites, sales at live gigs and so on).

And please, forget making a "demo record" to send to a record company. It will not even be listened to unless you have a foot in the door first. That's why you need to build up a following on the various social sites (like Facebook) and through live gigs/concerts, web sites, e-mail lists, Twitter etc.

When you have the following and/or the funds, plus the skills and the materials - then and only then can you think about making a proper album. For most artists that is a long time and a heck of a lot of hard work.

- Kindle Productions - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

The Music industry is very different now. Labels have screwed far too many people over for money that no one trusts them anymore. Only the mugs that want fame, not to make music.
You can literally learn how to make your own music by getting a hacked software, putting in an insane amount of hours studying what will make your sound stand out from a crowd (So if you have a good ear? You may be able.) Then you have to learn how to "Master" your tracks, & there's also a certain amount of skill involved in putting an album together too. You can't just click your fingers, & have an album done in a year from scratch! It takes hard work. I mean, take a song right? A Simple song.

1. Tempo?
2. Time Signature?
3. What Key it's in?
4. Genre or Non-Specific?
5. Subject Matter or Concept?
6. Melody & actual music composition?
7. Structure, Progressive or Avant-Gardé?
8. Patches, Sounds, Drums, Instruments, Orchestration?
9. Balance; Sub-Bass/Bass/Mids/Treble, Volume/Mix, Pan (Channel Management), Reverb, etc.
10. Contrast; Sombre then Powerful? Slow then Fast? Happy then Sad? etc.

That's just 10 Basic aspects off the top of my sleepy head that you have to take into account when creating a track. You have to be the bollox now & have

1. Inspiration, Passion & Dedication: To get you over the many hurdles you will face. And you will face ALOT!
2. Skill, a Knack, or a gift: because without it, your production will lack quality. (Hence why there's so much shit around today!)
3. Creativity, Imagination, Innovation & Originality: to add a certain uniqueness to your style.
4. Energy, Determination, realism & intelligence: You have to be able to work insanely hard, never give up, never get complacent, keep pushing yourself, & be sagacious enough admit that you'll never be perfect.

All too often now, people get too excited with themselves, & let their emotions take control & end up pre-releasing their material. You'll see them labelled as "Demo" or "Work in Progress" or "Idea for new Song" Ha ha! That's a good one! If it's not finished, don't release it! Another sign is having no ending or just fading out! It's cheap, rushed, & lame.

Anyway, once you have 10+ Tracks perfected & Mastered to all the same level (Usually a Brick Wall of Non-Dynamic Static in this day n age) You need to ask someone else who has a fresh ear what order they should go in.

You can host it on Bandcamp at what ever price you want, promote it yourself with a few friends & get people to spread the word! There be a new playa in town! lol!

People can buy just 1 or 2, 3 tracks for say 59p each? Or all 10 Tracks for £4.99! For real!

I'd be very shocked if it all goes to plan though! People aint dumb you know! Well, saying that, if you're fit or cute, you just gotta pretend to sing! You can do cheesey Videos for the same 50-Million Trendwhores!

Either way, Best of luck!