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Problems with my college roommate, please help me? - The Guardian - 11-27-2012 06:24 AM

Up until recently, I was under the impression that my roommate and I were under good terms until just recently.

She's been tweeting rudely about me over the internet for the last several weeks, and I don't understand what I've been doing wrong. (She complains that I'm annoying, that I sleep too much, that the food I cook smells terrible to her).

The truth is, I've tried to be as courteous as I can towards her. I clean up my side of the room, I listen to music with my headphones on when she's in there studying, I dim the lights at night when she wants to sleep, I take out our trash and recycling when it gets full, when I bake I share what I give with her.

Just the last week, she complained that I was annoyance on her twitter. I thought it might be because I'd started to skype out loud with my friends, so I've made sure to leave the room or type when I'm Skyping and she's in. There isn't a noise for her to hear and there's nothing she can do to complain, because I've been quiet.

Then the last weekend, when I flew an entire day and slept most of the next day and she made fun of the fact that I spent the next day before classes sleeping (I spend most of my days after classes sleeping for several hours because I take around 17 units, work 12 hours a week, and participate in the school's pep band) and called me a "koala" on twitter.

Then I try to save money by eating canned food so my parents don't have to worry about money, so I make canned chili and she complains that my food makes her 'nauseated' with its smell on twitter. So now I've taken to eating my food outside the room after I heat it up in our room.

I'm a freshman and I live in California and I've moved out to the midwest to go to this school. Working for the first time, being away from home, and balancing classes are hard enough for me to do without worrying about her killing my reputation.

I will concede that I am not the cleanest roommate (my desk is cluttered, but the clutter is merely papers and wires and they do not cross onto her side of the room) and that I am not the most social person (my roommate is usually out all night during weekends and days when she is not busy and is also a social drinker who can get drunk or tipsy on occasion--I do not touch alcohol because of my family history), but I try my best to respect people and I would love to have that sort of respect in return.

I've even kept hush about her drinking habits on our dry campus (she could potentially be expelled from the school with how much drinking she does) even before she asked me to keep it mum.

I'm really at the end of my rope here because everything I seem to be doing is WRONG to her. Can you guys give me some advice?

I'd really appreciate it.

- Andrew - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

ask for a room change some people are just like that

- Karen - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

I'm really sorry, She sounds terrible Sad
I would confront her.

- Melissa Ries - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

a big mistake you made was changing your habits, like eating out of the room or skyping. if she has a serious problem she has to man up and confront you, not try and cyber guilt you into something, you changing your habits due to the first "annoyance" is probably why she continues to post these things. Also, you should not let this continue, you must confront her. posting hurtful things online, especially things that could hurt your reputation, is a form of cyber bulling. you should let her know this. then in a polite way, tell her that if she ever has a problem with you, that she has to tell you privately and in person. doing otherwise is childish. when you tell her, do so calmly, and nicely, don't bring up the drinking. if she acts unreasonably, don't get mad or yell, honestly if she gets upset and you stay calm, that would prove your point more that yelling. if after that she continues to post mean things, bring up the drinking. good luck.

- GrandOverDog - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

Ultimate truth: You're not gonna appreciate everyone in this world. Some people are just rude simply because believe it or not they DESPISE you for your good habits. They want you to stoop down to their level simply put. (However, thats not ALL to consider...)

I know this sounds ridiculous and I'm going too extreme but think about it. Why is it she is displeased despite your patience and trying to make for the best as a good roommate and all she could do is rant you down for your performance? She is testing you what kind of person you are. As a roommate you both aren't the best of friends nor a family so its best to know your limits to a stranger. Sometimes when someone complains such as food, You might want to consider that yes to fix it such as we don't why she hates it and we are not aware of her health and tolerance to thing thats fine.

You do need to know though what she hates and don't do's in terms of things that can threaten her life (no not her social life I mean if you affect her HEALTH, STYLE(Beliefs, things she STRONGLY likes and dislikes in her life thats OBVIOUS you don't need to be best buddies to know it) and she talks to you about it FINE well done you averted some diaster in the later future.

You done your part let her do hers whether good or bad to help you out.

- Bradslady - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

you need to report her for the violation she is doing and request for a new roommate.