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How can I get to know her and become friends with her? - Printable Version

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- Kitty - 10-03-2012 08:35 AM

Most popular people hang in their own circle. Unless you were somewhere this person was, say on vacation or shopping etc and happen to run into her, strike up a conversation, etc.

Otherwise, just forget it, you and thousands of other people probably want to get to know her too.

She is just one person that got a lucky break and is now popular. What about all the other females that are just as pretty but not popular, well find one of those and get your fight back ont he ground.

Good luck

- Bea - 10-03-2012 08:35 AM

If she's well known, she probably wont go for just anyone. Only answer without looking like a stalker? Make yourself known and irresistable. Make her want to get to know YOU. Turn the tables. Be the guy she wants to follow and learn more about.

- marcus - 10-03-2012 08:35 AM

Hey man, you know what I did?

I wrote a freaking book! I wrote my life story, it ended up being about 100 pages, and I had it self published, and I gave it to a girl I like that I used to know, and that opened the floodgates for us to reconnect. At this moment, she accepted my offer to take her out to the movies.

It took me 3 weeks to write my life story. You may not want to write a book or your life story, but what Im trying to say is that you should write or make something, maybe a music CD, or a short movie, something you can send to her or something that will interest her, and will lead to further connection.

Also, realize when dealing with someone who probably has a lot of guys in their life, you gotta make a move that will stand out! Being different is awesome!

Here's an idea....Write a book, and include her in it. Write about this girl you like and how she interests you, Then have one of your friends, or multiple friends, inform her on twitter that you are in her book. THIS WILL RAISE HER INTEREST AND SHE'LL WANT TO READ IT!!! If you do make sure she just has a really small part in your book. Thats all you need to open the floodgates with her.

Or if you dont want to write a book, write a song for her and record a youtube video of you playing it, then send it to her on twitter! Or dedicate a song to her. May I suggest singing "Lets go on a date" by Andrew WK and dedicating it to her in the video?

To go even FARTHER if you were to do BOTH, make a song for her AND write your life story, you could show her the song, then she'll talk to you about it, and you can let her know you wrote a book, and then send it to her, she reads all about you, possibly becomes interested, and BADDA BING. You are in!

You gotta make it more friendly and funny though, as opposed to creepy. Funny and friendly will hopefully get her attention, and from that point on everything else is gravy.

Good luck, hope you got SOME idea out of my convuluted mess of an answer. Smile