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Oh..the case of the ex and social media...? - Printable Version

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Oh..the case of the ex and social media...? - SpiderFanNemisis - 11-27-2012 06:29 AM

In summation;
I dated a girl. Things got jealous-based. Got out of hand. Physical things happened.
We drifted. We ditched each other to hang with friends. I broke up with her.

We didn't talk about it or tried to get back together. We saw each other from time to time around bars. When we did, drama ensued.

I axed that after the last bout on the 4th of July. On this particular night, me and my buddy was standing outside of a bar and my friend Ashley came up and talked to us. The ex saw this from a distance and ran up to her to introduce herself. She then went off on a tangent about how she cheated on me throughout our entire relationship. Apparently to make me upset when all she really did was make herself look like a fool.
After that night, I never returned to said bars. Thus, she did not see me nor did I her. No social network communication, nothing. Then, one day, I get a notification on my phone. "Katymay### has liked one of your photos". I open it up to see who it is, and it's her. Then she quickly un-likes the photo. I pay it no mind.
Months go by. then on October 4th, 3 months from the last day I saw her, she texts me "I hate that we hate each other".
I respond:
"I'm pretty sure I don't hate anyone. that's a burden I wouldn't want to carry and it acts like a black cloud."
Katy-"I just know there were some hateful things said and it does stick with me. I want to fix it"
Me-"Well, i've avoided certain areas so those situations do not happen when your'e drunk. I don't want to be forced to retaliate if I don't want to. I can be a mean person and I know your flaws, I don't want to use them against you."
Katy-"And I thank you for that. I grew a lot in the time we had together. I know you may not see it as anything, but we came together, we fell in love, and I lost you. I'm ok with that, but I don't want you thinking i'm this horrible person."
Me-"I'm going to think what I want to regardless. So there's not much you can do about that. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it."
Katy-"Ok Will. thanks for responding. I didn't cheat. I gave you my all. I loved you and I still do."
Me-"Thanks. I'm sure we'll talk again. Have a good night."
Katy-"I wish you the best in life. With your wife, your kids, everything. I will always love you. Goodbye".

I didn't respond after this. A couple days ago, I reactivated my twitter and there were some mentions from her over the course of the last few months. Some were sweet and some were directive, but nothing too bad. I decide to look at ehr twitter and low and behold the day she started texting me that night, she was simultaneously depicting me negatively across the internet. Tweets like:
"He was such a bastard. My new bf is better"
"Parked with my best bf and my boyfriend at my ex's. Awkward"
"His ex was such a ugly pugface"
"Never give loneliness a chance"
"My ex is texting me. SMH."

Now, this is all while she initiated a conversation with ME. Granted she's younger and has a good amount of flaws (Including paranoia, anxiety, cutting issues, physical confrontation issues,etc) I feel I was duped by her again. She plays this sweet and innocent role but her primary goal is to impress her friends by proving that "My ex was an *** and im soo much better than him and over him".

So the question ask is, do all women do this? this two-faced game? Do men do it too? Should I even acknowledge or pretend I never opened that twitter account and continue to move on with my life as scheduled?

Did I miss her at the beginning? Yes. But all I truly remember is her saying "I cheated on you the entire time we were together". With my personality, that effectively ended any emotion that I had for this girl. And while I didn't seek to retaliate, I made my peace that she has a long sad road ahead of her. Is this what I'm starting to see?
14 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

- PJ - 11-27-2012 06:37 AM


Not all women do this.

Just pretend you never saw any of it. You can't acknowledge it because it adds to her fuel. Comfort yourself with the fact that she may be talking about another ex who was after you but before her current.

Feel bad for her current but let her go.

You handled her with class.

Now just ignore all communication from her.