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read please what should i do 10 points!!!? - Printable Version

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read please what should i do 10 points!!!? - James - 11-27-2012 06:29 AM

So theres this girl that I use to be in a class in highschool with and sat next to her and always talked to her and I just recently posted happy birthday i miss you on her facebook and she said i miss you too and i asked her to hang out soon and she said yes and i tweeted her and asked her if she was free in the next couple of days and she asked if sunday (yesterday) was ok and i said yes so i texted her and she said she was on her way home but never got anything back from her the rest of the night so i texted her today and asked if she was free in the next couple of days and got no reply so idk if i should keep trying or what need some advice? I haavent texted her or tweeted her for a couple days so what should i do and say? and the fact that she texted me saying she was coming home but if she didnt really wanna hang out would she of not texted me should i tweet her and say sorry i dont wanna be annoying but just wondering if your free ? and today i tweeted her and said i didnt wanna be annoying but since w didnt do anything maybe something this week and it got favortied and i tweeted back and asked if she was busy and got nothing back? i dont know if i should just maybe text her and say this is my last time im asking you if you wanna you let me know or something like that to show that im done caring and trying to make plans i need some advice i dont wanna really give up but i dont know what to do. today i texted her at 2 to see if she wanted to do something and didnt get a text back till 630 saying Whats up?! then i texted her and said just got home and got nothing back? why would she take 4 hours to text back and then not text back again? and like when we were in class one time she grabbed my arm to go over and help her with some questions and idk its really confusing i sorta liked her in class and it just confuses me that the day after i said that on facebook she follows me on twitter but i dont know what to do i dont really wanna let it go but i dont wanna be annoying i did tweet her saying i dont wanna be annoying but since the plans didnt work maybe something else and it got favorited so i mean i dont know what to do its really confusing i kinda wanted to tell her that ive always thought that she was super pretty but that would be really creepy i think idk need some advice please i would tell her that ive always thought she was super pretty and all this but that would be creepy i dont wanna just stop because she wouldnt favorite my stuff or she wouldnt of texted back today? was her first reaction on facebook what she really wanted to do by saying she missed me? and yesterday i tweeted about a haircut and she said she can give me one at her place she works at or at her house??? and she tweeted me i didnt ask her? what does that mean that she tweeted me about the haircut if she really didnt wanna hang out she wouldnt of said that would she?

- Taylor - 11-27-2012 06:38 AM

I think tweeting her is a bit to informal and sometimes confusing. I would text her..or don't even be afraid to give her a call. Just say, I'm not sure if u want to hang out or r busy all the time, but I keep trying to find space in my day to hang out with you. Idk if u r interested but I'm trying to talk to u and u r acting like u don't care. So if u want to hang out, please let's schedule a date.............calling her would probably be easier because u don't want to make it sound like YOU don't care. I'm sorry if this doesn't help or is confusing but good luck.

- Cam - 11-27-2012 06:38 AM

Hi James:

Whew. Your frustration comes right out of the screen and I sure sympathize.

This girl's behavior is maddening! Her motivation is--and will remain--impossible to understand.

One thing is for sure, she's being totally inconsiderate of yr feelings. You've signaled--a lot!--that u like her and wld like to hang out. You're getting mixed signals back. It's tormenting u.

At several points in yr narrative u say u don't want to be annoying. Right there you are showing her the kind of consideration she is not showing her.

Here's the image that comes to mind when thinking abt yr relationship: u are blowing up a balloon. When u stop, she doesn't take over. The balloon collapses. You start blowing again.

Ok, it's not the perfect image, is it? Kinda lame actually.

But my point is simple: u are putting yr good energy into this "relationship." She is not.

To be successful relationships must have balance. Just look through the Questions and feel the misery. Virtually all of it is due to imbalance in the relationship:

"I love her and she seems to get that. But then she's flirting w/all these guys. I mean, huh?" or
"We talk and he's sweet to me, he really is. But with me, it's like, I'll spend the rest of my life w/him."

So what about u? You'd surely agree that yr "relationship" is not balanced, right?

Your pouring more energy, more messaging into it is simply going to make things worse.

Yeah, we'll never meet, u and I, but stil we're 2 humans, ok? And I don't want u to get hurt. My strong advice wld be to cease all messaging operations. All. You've been doing the heavy lifting. Time for her to step up.

And be careful not to pounce on any crumbs she throws yr way. You are highly attracted to this girl, but she's not returning yr level of interest. There's that imbalance, see?

The very last thing u want to be in these situations is clinging. If anything, clinging will have precisely the opposite effect as what u desire.

I'll step out on a limb here. Don't saw it off, okay? I think u should abandon all efforts w/this girl. I'm not getting a good feeling about her at all.

From yr writing ur obviously an intelligent, well spoken guy. Reading between the lines--the haircut business--I see a kinda cute guy. Well, idk, sorta?

Armed w/all that, I say tk yrself out on the girl market and...G4I!

James, I sure didn't mean to go on..but felt I had to match yr novel up there ^ _ ^


Balance *> Balance *> Bbbbbbaaaallllaaaannnnceee......................................