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How to get more followers on twitter? - Printable Version

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How to get more followers on twitter? - Rockin - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

I have 648 followers and tweet everyday I have about 7 thousand tweets. I have follow back In my name and everything. How can I get more followers? I want about 1000 followers by the end of this year.
Btw I also want the same with Instagram.

- Cooldude97 - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

Easiest way is to post your Twitter and Instagram names in your YouTube video description and video itself. You will get tons of followers.

- Bilno - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

You Can Use Twiends, Search On Google, Or If You Want Not Waiting Following, Then You Can Use buy twitter followers Services, That's is Simple Methods.

- Pietro - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

Hey how is everything? =D

I dont know is this will help you or not, but if you want an account with followers you must watch this YouTube video , I got an account with 17,000+ followers thanks to it =), follow me @shoutoutscraze

- Pamela - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

Search for the active people in your niche or similar to you; follow them all, some of them will follow you back. Again, active people only who have twitted recently. Smile

- Bobby - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM


- Jake - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

Well you could search twitter for the hashtag #teamfollowback, follow those people and send an @mention as necessary. Also try and retweet people who you follow as they'll be more likely to retweet or follow you. You also need to take a look at other ways, outside of twitter, to advertise yourself like forums, social bookmarks, and other networking sites.

If you run out of ideas turn to the Internet! In other words Google some twitter tutorials and articles. This one is a decent read:

- Hilton Huddle - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

you can get follower from many social exchange site.

- Susanna - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

If you have that many tweets you have been staying active, which is the key on tweeter. Try and interact with other more.

You can gain more followers by promoting yourself on facebook for example, but over all getting followers its hard. I suggest buying them, you can buy fake or real followers, depends on how much you want, you can buy 10k of fake ones for a couple of bucks but they are useless and eventually get banned and you lose them all. The best followers to have are the real ones.

- PJ - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

a site i've used and works well is burnerbrothers , highly recommend.