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Breast Cancer Awareness Day, and I'm not sure what to do!? - Printable Version

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Breast Cancer Awareness Day, and I'm not sure what to do!? - Jade - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

There's a club in my school called the "Event Planning" club and obviously it's all about planning events =) .. So, to be accepted in the club, I should come up with a creative idea about the coming up event which is the breast cancer awareness day, since it's pink month. I should make up something creative, something that can get all attentions of all the students.. Like what is breast cancer, and .. so on.
Or maybe I could do something to raise a bit of money for the awareness. A bake sale has been done before, so I can't really talk about that. And a parade has also been done before.
I need some new fresh ideas, that can raise money or anything.. !
Thanks, all answers are welcome =)

- April - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

The "Event Planning" club, huh??

- brainiacATwork - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

Have a 'pitchburst' like in this video.!

You can rent those from a company like this

On the pitch target you could paint it pink and write 'bust breast cancer' on it. Get teachers to be the volunteers to sit as the target.

- Stephen - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

All cancer is curable. Dr. Leonard Coldwell has cured over 35,000 cancer patients without the use of chemo, radiation, or surgery. If you watch his videos on youtube, you won't believe how easy it is to cure cancer naturally. A doctor in California cured his cancer patients using vitamin B-17, but after he went public, the medical profession took his licence and put him in jail. Women have cured their breast cancer just by drinking wheatgrass. Dr. Simoncini, a doctor in Rome, has been curing cancer patients for over 20 years with baking soda. Also, in the 1930's, it was proven that cancer cannot survive in an oxygen environment. A woman with terminal liver cancer cured herself by being stress free and thinking positive. There are loads of natural cures. Dr. Leonard Coldwell will freely give you all the information on his youtube videos.

The war on cancer is a fraud. It is phony baloney. Throughout history, every time a doctor or scientist has found a cheap, natural cure, the medical profession has either put the doctor in jail, or they have made sure that the public don't get to hear about it. In America, cancer and cancer prevention is a $220 billion dollar a year industry. These medical criminals see cancer patients as customers. If you don't believe me, watch a video on youtube called "A World Without Cancer"

The truth is, most cancer patients don't die from the cancer, they die from the chemo, radiation, or surgery. Those who survive are often damaged for life, and the cancer often comes back even more aggressive. A person can have a tumor for over 10 years with hardly any symptoms, yet 27% of cancer patients die within the first 30 days of chemo. Radiation also causes cancer, and surgery makes the cancer spread. I'm not joking. The medical professions are the ones killing people, not the cancer. Look up Dr. Leonard Coldwell, and stop listening to the lies of these medical criminals. Natural cures DO exist.

Good luck

- crookedmagic111 - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

It is an excellent idea from Ur noble heart. God bless U. Details are appended here under,

Why more and more youngsters are prone to “breast cancer”?
1. Chronic & severe constipation [+ heavy quantum of accumulated feces in the rectum & the large intestine] with a displaced solar plexus. Bad diet with pizzas, burgers, deep freeze and deep fried chicken/pork/hot dogs, high rich calorie diets-obesity, etc. As a result, most of the Americans/Europeans are cancer victims due to chronic constipation issues.
3. Hormonal imbalance.
4. Heavy exposure to asbestos, pollution from industrial wastes, tobacco consumption and or smoking..
5. Chronic & Unhealed wounds/injuries caused by bacterial/viral/metabolic syndromes/diseases with blocked energy + toxins in any internal organ.
6. Sexual promiscuity, Perverted anal/oral sex, hetero-sex [not mono-sex], homosex amongst transgenders, resulting in chronic and unhealed STDs/infections/wounds/injuries, etc., bad personal hygiene [not washing gonads after coitus] & indiscriminate consumption of birth control pills/steroids by self-medication, 'with no' medical supervision by endocrinologist/gynecologist/physician.
7. Chronic Stress & Strain.
8. Lack of exercise & ever increasing obese bodies.
9. Regular consumption of ‘colas’ with heavy doses of insecticides, freely available in India. Regular & excessive alcohol consumption.
10. Skin Cancer Exposure to Sun’s rays @ odd hours [90 minutes after sunrise, beyond 60 minutes before sunset and anytime during strong winds] and excessive exposure to radiation emanating from cell phones, transmission towers, etc.,
11. 24/7-- wearing of bra by the modern woman and avoiding breast feeding the child—breast cancer.
12. Heavy genetic dispositions with more ‘cancer-stricken ancestors’

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer may include:
•A breast lump or thickening that feels different from the surrounding tissue
•Bloody discharge from the nipple
•Change in the size or shape of a breast
•Changes to the skin over the breast, such as dimpling
•Inverted nipple
•Peeling, scaling or flaking of the nipple or breast skin
•Redness or pitting of the skin over your breast, like the skin of an orange
•Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare, fast-growing type of cancer that often causes no distinct lump. Instead, breast skin may become thick, red, and may look pitted -- like an orange peel. The area may also feel warm or tender and have small bumps that look like a rash.
Signs of Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare, fast-growing type of cancer that often causes no distinct lump. Instead, breast skin may become thick, red, and may look pitted -- like an orange peel. The area may also feel warm or tender and have small bumps that look like a rash.

2. *Prevention & Cure--If U press the surrounding area on both sides of palms, soles, wrists and ankles regularly three times a day and then breast cancer shall not grow further. Side benefit is that Ur menses cycles are regulated.Acupressure & Indian Natural Remedies can cure breast cancer safely & totally in 45-90 days. T & C apply.

In Ur case, target therapy is helpful to have total cure.
PS. If satisfied/benefited with, inform others to browse ‘Yahoo Answers’ on any health issue.
Source: ‘HEALTH IN UR HANDS’ Vol. I & II--- by Dr.Devendra Vora, D.Sc.,M.D.,F.R.C.P.,---an octogenarian & the pioneer in Acupressure in India. Available all over the globe in all Indian languages. Dr.Vora, cured and caused to cure more than 2.00 lac cases of Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, irregular menses and also many other most dreaded diseases.