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How do I make my online store better? - Printable Version

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How do I make my online store better? - Platinum xOx - 11-27-2012 06:33 AM

I just want to know how I can make my online store better and how to increase the traffic going through it = more sales.

Any comments and suggestions appreciated!

- Kelly - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

check this site for help, they helped get more traffic to my sites.

- cfoster001 - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

You need to learn how to do SEM, which is search engine marketing. It will teach you SEO (search engine optimization), which is the free listings you see on all search engines. And pay-per click (PPC), which are the paid results that are on the right hand side of the search engine results ie.

Also YouTube. A lot of Gurus put their videos on there.

- akumar - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

To get more traffic, here are a few ideas:

1) Online advertising, such as Google Adwords.
2) Direct marketing campaign, such as post cards or flyers sent to a distribution list of prespective clients
3) Create an interesting group on some social network, such as facebook. This group should be related to your product and/or your company. The more interesting the group, the more buzz it will get. This group can include helpful tips related to your products or other services related to your product or just an amusing article. Invite everyone you know to the group. Social Networks are infectious and can spread like wildfire if a topic catches people's interest. Make sure that you have a link to your online store in the description of the group.

Hope that helps!