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should the government intervene with facebook? - Printable Version

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should the government intervene with facebook? - Ace - 11-27-2012 06:34 AM

like tomorrow facebook can play with levels of privacy of the information they have (of you) and you can be badly hurt by this. should the government intervene so that facebook and other social networks dont play with your information like it was a game. should the government protect us from totally reckless actions by multibillion dollar corporations that just care about making money off of you, no matter how. what a lack of consideration, for their clients, and the people that put them up there.

- Katy M - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

I have all my privacy settings set to "friends only" but even so, I don't put anything on Facebook that it would bother me for the whole world to see. Others should keep it that way, too. We don't need goverment protection from ourselves, we need ourselves to protect us from ourselves.

- The Master - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

Maybe. But I know this. If "Anonymous" pulls off what it says it's going to do on November 5 I will laugh till I cry.

- Randy B - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

You know, if you don't like what places like Facebook could do with your info.....DON'T give it to them.

People these days are SOOOOoooo dumb. The crud that they post on Facebook and other social media sites is just embarrassing. Intimate personal details and sensitive personal info is plastered all over these sites along with photos, vacation notices, historical and bio info. If I was a thief looking for homes to knock off I'd just surf facebook sites for people in my area who list their status as being on vacation.

Potential employers routinely surf the Facebook sites of people applying for jobs and a whole host of info types there, that is publicly accessible, could make the difference between who gets the job and who doesn't. Apply for a job and there is no need to tell someone you are gay, or that you like to dress up in medieval costumes and play sword fight on the weekends, or that you believe aliens control the worlds money markets. Potential employers see that and some (many?) may think twice of hiring you and you would never be able to dispute their reasons because you would never know.

Work a job and take a sick day or two. Don't be surprised if someone from the HR department pings your Facebook or MySpace page to find out if you have posted anything to the contrary on it to show that you were doing something other then being home sick.

So, if you don't like what they could do with your info....don't give it to them in the first place. Duh!!!!