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If my website have 700 unique visitors a month and 4:00min avarage on site, how do i make money from it? - Printable Version

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If my website have 700 unique visitors a month and 4:00min avarage on site, how do i make money from it? - StephanieM - 11-27-2012 06:35 AM

I have Amazon Referal links, Google Ads and links to related products, what else can be done to make more money from my website? is 700 Unique Visitors enough to make some money from the site? (even $200 a month can be a good sign that the site can make $2,000)... thankss

- Aricus - 11-27-2012 06:43 AM

700 unique visitors per month isn't a lot, though it's a start and 4mins of view time is pretty good.

However, if you can to turn the 700 visitors on a daily basis you should easily start making some money each month. Though, I can't comment on how much, as the amount would probably be random.

Personally the best way to bring more revenue for your site is to increase your site's traffic. The general rule is the higher your traffic the higher your sales.

And the best way to increase traffic will be to implement good SEO techniques to your site, having good content, and advertising your site through social networking such as facebook, twitter, digg, and etc.

- Jim Coe - 11-27-2012 06:43 AM

Typically, SEO people will say to get more traffic - but that's only part of what you need. All the traffic in the cosmos won't help if your site doesn't convince people to buy. It's true that you probably need 10x to 30x more visitors, but you might need a whole lot more if your site is not converting visitors into customers effectively.

First you need to figure out your SCR (Sales Conversion Rate - what percentage of visitors are buying). For example, if it takes 100 visitors to get 1 sale, your SCR is 1% - which isn't too bad for a web site. Your 700 visitors should be making you 7 sales, in that case. Most new sites have an SCR of 0.1% or less and an SCR of 3% - 5% is great.

Constantly improving your SCR will do more for you than just driving more traffic to your site.

What you need to learn in order to improve your SCR is:
* Exactly how to clearly state your Unique Value Proposition (the answer to your visitor's question "Why should I buy your products and if I do want them, why shouldn't I buy them from your competitors?"). Everything you do in a business should be driven by your UVP.

A clear, concise, factual and brief statement of your UVP should be the first thing a prospect sees on your landing page (it's a bad idea to use your home page as a landing page). You need one landing page optimised for the keywords associated with each of your products (unless you have many products and must use a catalog. Then you need to optimize each product's heading and description).

* How to find the right market niche (using Market Research) which best matches your products.

* How to determine exactly what they are thinking (fears, desires, needs, frustrations, etc.) so that you can..
* Find the best keywords to reach your market niche (the SEO part). In other words, you have to find out (in detail and exactly) what they want, then give that to them in a better, easier, more trustworthy way than your competitors are doing.

* How to design your site for your visitors - not for you.

* I highly recommend the free (every other Wednesday) webinars and all the free online marketing briefs on

What you need is to understand:
+ Online marketing
+ Market research
+ Landing page optimization
+ Landing page split testing and constant improvement
All those things can be learned and done online, for free, by someone willing to learn and work hard.

Hope that helped...
_jim coe

- Dane - 11-27-2012 06:43 AM

If you do not already have an account with Google Adsense, now is a good time to create one. You simply put a generated code into your header and Google will send you ads relevant to your content. You can also implement CPA offers, these are offers where you get paid for offering free trials to people. There are many ways to do this, you can start by doing a search for CPA affiliates.