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Who wants minecraft for ps3? - Printable Version

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Who wants minecraft for ps3? - Ethan Piecora - 11-27-2012 06:36 AM

I think minecraft is pretty fun. I know that Sony would need to buy the rights to hav minecraft but think about it...the game basically never ends. It's fun. There is online stuff that really does last forever. If you want minecraft for ps3 then we need to find a way to contact Sony and give them that idea. They couldake a descent amount of money also. I mean c'mon. Everyone loves minecraft!

- BTF98 - 11-27-2012 06:44 AM

No, it will not go on the PS3 (or anytime soon, for that matter). Microsoft has bought the exclusive rights to it (which was a brilliant idea). Sony should have bought it it before Microsoft did, they would have an advantage against Microsoft. Also, isn't Sony having money problems right now? If that's the case, they cannot purchase Minecraft for the PS3 because they would lose more money then they would need to. Can it get them more money? Yes, it can. Can it make PS3 more popular? No, it cannot because Microsoft already has it.

But back to the money part. Microsoft bought Minecraft because they are smart and Have A LOT of money; around April, or whatever, Sony lost 6.5 million dollars. That is a lot and will take a really long time before they get it back. Also, I heard that they might -if they haven't yet- let some workers go. That isn't helping the matter, either. In fact, it just made things worse.

So no, I'm sorry to say that Sony will not be purchasing Minecraft (if Microsoft didn't buy the exclusive rights to it) anytime soon. No matter how many people suggest/complain/etc to them. Sony is in dark times as of right now, they cannot afford to do something that big.

Also, not trying to ruining your dreams, but you have to see this:

My opinion:
I, personally, think it would be a great idea. I would like to see that happen, and play it on the PS3 (I have an Xbox, so I'm not too bothered). I would be able to play with my PS3 friends, just like I can play with my Xbox friends. But I also think it would be a bad choice for Sony (if they could purchase it) because of the reasons I stated above. They just wouldn't get enough money; however, if Notch and Mojang make something else as great as Minecraft, then maybe Sony could buy the exclusive rights to it. Not only would they get even more money from that, but it would make people buy PS3's and whatnot. Especially if it got popular just like how Minecraft did.

My Final Thoughts:
It would be great, but bad for Sony even if people did buy it on PS3. It'd cost them more to get it then to sell it.