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Do I text her or not? - Printable Version

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Do I text her or not? - Jesse - 11-27-2012 06:36 AM

I'm crazy fo rthis girl. Im a senior shes a junior. We use to have a thing back in February, she ended it. I texted her for the first time since then two days ago. We were texting okay, she would sometimes text back right away, but then would take a while to respond. She kept conversation going. But she just then randomly didn't respond. I then texted her today and we texted for like 3 hours. She was sending Smile and Wink and stuff like that. She kept conversation going, but then she just randomly didn't text me again.

Whats up with that? I will NOT double text. I follow her on twitter and she doesn't follow me, and she tweeted 20 mins ago, when she hasn't texted me in like 2 hours.
Im confused. Why would she be all Smile and Wink then stop texting randomly?

do i text her tomorrow or wait to see if she texts me?

- Raven - 11-27-2012 06:44 AM

Don't text her. That form of communication just shows your immaturity. If you want to get her attention, call her.

- zendall - 11-27-2012 06:44 AM

You need to step back a little. The girl may be too busy to constantly text or twitter. Send her an occasional message, and if she is in the mood to chat, participate. Why not ask her for a date, and you will know for sure whether she is interested in you romantically.

- LuvMyNails - 11-27-2012 06:44 AM

Give her space but talk to he,r sometimes that kind of technology seems harsh and cold.

- moooo - 11-27-2012 06:44 AM

Wait a day or two then see if the same thing happens again.

- Nice Girl - 11-27-2012 06:44 AM

move on. text someone else. NOT HER!!

- Itzkissa - 11-27-2012 06:44 AM

maybe she was just being nice and then got over it and stopped, wait a few and if she doesn't text you, keep thinking in your head "if she WANTED to talk to me, she would. if she doesn't text me, she doesn't want to talk to me so why should i bother?"
i always do that it works for me to get over it if they don't text me back u know?

answer mine please??