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How to affiliate market? - Printable Version

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How to affiliate market? - Juan08 - 11-27-2012 06:36 AM

Hi, my job recently got really slow and I think they might be laying off so people, I was interested in being a affiliate marketer. Which I hear can make pretty good money. I just wanted to know if anybody know a website or a book I can read where it trains me how to be a successful affiliate marketer. Please help I need money and am reaching to the point where am very poor Sad Please don't tell me to play the lotto cuz it don't work, and yes I buy the tickets with greater odds am not dumb. Smile

- Brad - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

search in for the affiliate market e-book. m sure u can get all the resource u need.

- genietoast - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

Yes, you can make money with affiliate marketing.

However, be prepared to put in the work. Don't believe the hype of how you can make thousands by tomorrow. Just not possible. You have to build your way up to making that kind of money which can take a couple years or more.

Here's a great article covering affiliate marketing before you start jumping into any program that's out there:

- Tori - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

You can earn money with affiliate marketing, but it takes time and effort and you won't be earning a large sum of money right away. Your question may encourage a lot of spammy answers suggesting books and systems to buy, but they are largely a waste of money. It is really pretty simple to do affiliate marketing. You are to become what is called a "publisher" so you need to have at least one website or webpage URL to become a "publisher" to apply for most of the better programs. So here's what you need to do:
1. Create a website, websites or webpages about a particular theme or topic. It might be household tips, travel, cooking, sports, gardening, crafts, pets, hobbies, how to build a birdhouse - anything that interests you that you know about or are willing to do some research to learn about. Eventually you may want to make several pages about several topics that interest you to increase the number of products you can market. If you are looking to start for free, get a free blog or blogs or start creating pages about specific topics on Hubpages or Squidoo.
2. After you have created a page or pages with interesting original content and photos about your topic, apply to affiliate programs and look for companies that have products that fit in with the topic of your pages.
3. Here are some affiliate programs that I like:
Zazzle - you can create and design your own online store of products by downloading your favorite photos and then post your store link on your webpages, facebook, emails or whatever:

Linkshare is a company that has many advertisers to choose from, and you get paid with one check from Linkshare for all of your sales.:

Share-a –sale is another company similar to LinkShare - they have many advertisers that you can choose from and you are paid in one check every month from LinkShare for all sales:

All Posters - You can use the links to the posters and pictures at All Posters in your webpages to add some great photos and illustrations plus you may sell a few:<ID=19&LID=112&ParentAID=1581418438&lang=1

For creating pages for free where you can put affiliate links, I would recommend starting with creating pages (called lenses) on Squidoo. They have a pretty easy to use system of modules and you can even earn income directly from Squidoo by including Amazon and eBay modules. Pick products from Amazon and eBay related to the topic of your page and if anyone clicks on your product link and buys something you earn a commission. You can also add your own affiliate links to your pages. Here is an example of how you can put them all together to make a great page:

Notice how the selling modules and affiliate programs must be appropriate to the topic and helpful for it to work well. People get turned off fast from a site that screams BUY, BUY, BUY - they must get some good information from the page to stick around and possibly eventually click out on a link. If you'd like to get started making a Squidoo page (called a lens) here is a link:

There are numerous other free affiliate marketing programs, but with some you must earn $50 in commissions before you are paid so it is better to start off using several advertisers from one company that has many to be able to reach the payment threshold faster. Then as you create more pages and learn how to generate traffic to them, you can expand to additional programs.

In the beginning you may wait several months before you earn the minimum amount to get paid, but as you learn how to build traffic to your pages, your income will steadily increase.

Feel free to contact me if you would like more information.