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I got this on my email yesterday, what do you think? - Printable Version

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I got this on my email yesterday, what do you think? - Love - 11-27-2012 06:36 AM

We know that the Romney supporters are truly discouraged today and in awe of the true situation of our nation. Obama won yesterday by promising free things to uneducated special interest groups. He is the king of alldeceivers and the best campaigner of our time. The media says we must be happy with his track record because we reelectedhim but we know this is not true. Did WE really elect this man or were large groups of very uneducated people targeted and given false promises?People are not any better off than they were 4 years ago. We must not give up as a country but there are things we can do to control this situation. We MUST hold all those accountable for the results of the election (the media and also uneducated special interest groups who are now running our country).We feel that everyone has given up and in doing so allowed this anti-American president to get relected. We let this happen so now we must fight. Please pass this email along to everyone you know and do the following if you want the future of the country to go back in the direction of the principles it was founded on. We must take this into our own hands now or our country is gone forever as we know it :

1.If you know of ANY Latino that is illegal in this country (even if they work for you personally), report them. Get them shipped back. They were a HUGE factor in the turn out of the election yesterday. This is the best "revenge" as Obama said in his famous speech several days ago. And definitely do NOT hire them knowing they are not legal. We cannot prove it but feel strongly that many illegal latino/mexicans were allowed to vote yesterday.

2.If you did vote against Obama you have earned your right to exercise your freedom of speech when given the chance, it is okay to be mad. Do not just roll over and let this election “just be okay” with you. It will NOT be okay and action needs to be taken. Do this through any outlet you can, Facebook, twitter….get the word out!

3.Do NOT watch any primetime channels that lean left (which is mainly all of them). This will take a lot of willpower as a lot of people love their “shows” but by giving them ratings we are feeding the media monster that drove this election and covered up important information (like the Libya cover-up).

4.Do not buy or rent music, movies, or books from ANY left leaning celebrity that supported Obama. Yes, this includes Oprah. Don’t feed the monster. Let them feel the financial pain for once. Again, this will take a lot of willpower as we all love our entertainment but we would rather have our country back than a world of idolized reality shows and overexposed celebrities. We have to remember what is important right now and take this very seriously.

5.Write/email your congressman/senator. Tell them how unhappy you are. The louder the voices get the more they will listen. Tell them we don’t want Obama care. We don’t want higher taxes. We don’t want a higher debt ceiling. We don’t want a devalued dollar. We don’t want an unprotected nation against terrorism.We don’t want a godless nation. Tell them as often as you can!

If you are like many of us today and feel strongly that things need to change, email this to everyone/anyone who will listen and do something. We need change but it will NOT come from our government as it stands in gridlock. We need more voices. We need the voice of America to stand up and scream “we want our country back!”.

- Fustercluck - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM


- Mohammad - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

i imagine that being a president is a VERY hard and stressful task, to all the people out there who think they can do better, you cant just say you want something done and poof it happened, no, if that were the case the world wouldve been a better place, but, sadly thats not the case, i support obama, i support romney, i support everyone that stands up for probably the most stressful and difficult job in thw world, people should just quit with the hate because that whats keeping everybody from moving forward