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How Do I Tell This Girl I Don't Like Her Anymore? - Printable Version

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How Do I Tell This Girl I Don't Like Her Anymore? - Jake - 11-27-2012 06:37 AM

Please try to hear me out and understand where I am coming from. I KNOW I sound like a douche and honestly I feel like one. Okay here's the story.

So a couple months ago this girl gave me a letter telling me how she felt about me and I guess spilling her heart out. It really surprised me because we are in total different friend groups, but I wanted to get to know her more. But I didn't have any feelings for her. So now for a couple weeks we have been talking on Facebook and through Twitter and they have been really nice conversations. We even hung out a little bit with a mutual friend. Recently she asked if I like her and (I know I sound like a dick!) I said I did even though I was unsure... It may be just because I really liked the conversations we were having? I'm not sure... She just started texting me tonight and is asking why I like her and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. This is so hard for me. And here's the killer part. Her birthday is tomorrow. And I want to tell her happy birthday but I can't just ignore the other text!

I feel like I lead her on without meaning too and I feel so bad but I really have no idea what to do... I'm kinda is some deep shit in my opinion... Please try to understand and help me.

- alexander w - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

.Let her know you like her but not in a romantic way.More like a close friend.You need to bring this to head as to delay things till later.That could become messy.So it's much better to let her know now that your not romantically inclined with her.