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Narcissists and Misognyists are not only CRY BABIES they are LAZY and will never improve upon themselves.? - Printable Version

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Narcissists and Misognyists are not only CRY BABIES they are LAZY and will never improve upon themselves.? - Nocowardsallowed - 11-27-2012 06:37 AM

Narcissists have a tendency to be projectors. So there is no chance that they will sit down one day and say, "Self. Perhaps, I am not all that I should be when it comes to handling people." They like to blame everyone, let's look at the bullet points that this narcissist laid out before us this morning:

Why do women have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Symptoms of this disorder include[1]:

Reacting to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation
Taking advantage of others to reach their own goals
Exaggerating their own importance, achievements, and talents
Imagining unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance
Requiring constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
Becoming jealous easily
disregarding the feelings of others (fraudulent child support)
Being obsessed with oneself
Pursuing mainly selfish goals
Trouble keeping healthy relationships
Becoming easily hurt and rejected
Setting goals that are unrealistic
Wanting "the best" of everything

^ Sounds like a woman to me.


Why do women have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Symptoms of this disorder include[1]:

Cry baby and Blame Game: Reacting to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation
My response: This would be a good and valid point, had it not been for this one minor problem: he tries to invoke these responses so that he can get some sort of reaction. He is a control freak. So, he needs to know that he can make you sad, angry, or embarrassed. Oh, let's not forget. That anyone, including HIM would behave in an adverse way if they are constantly criticized. He does it by trying to provoke you by using the same names that he is. So if he was so "above it all", he wouldnt be playing the game in the first place. Be bored. I am.

This cry baby says this: Taking advantage of others to reach their own goals
My response: I have a funny feeling that he is talking about his son's mother. And, although I dont know her, and I can really care less about her personally, I more so care about the fact that she is a woman and that she is a mother (in the scope of things as reading a news story, and being human), I do believe that she takes care of her son. And, with that, is requiring him to not be on YAHOO ANSWERS every f--cking day fantasizing on one end and then complaining on another. So, that goal that she has for HIM helping her out is a realistic one, as ALL WOMEN that laid down with a man and got pregnant would want this CRY BABY SPOILED BRAT to do something more than playing on the internet. Now, if he is talking about me, he is off base and I dont know what he is talking about in his billions of criticisms and assessments to make himself superior.

This is what this SPOILED AND CRITICAL CRY BABY SAID: Exaggerating their own importance, achievements, and talents
My response: Now. For your own knowledge, you do know that this cry baby thought that I was a nobody, and nothing, and he went on and tried to say: YOU HAVE NO GOALS. I mean, he is a recorder so at that time he was merely pushing play (after a twitter record session) and he simply played the tapes that was implanted in his head based on this faulty reasoning: I SEE HER DO WORK, I DONT SEE WHO SHE IS, THEREFORE SHE DOESNT WORK. So, when I responded to this buttwipe and said to him quite candidly (after MONTHSSSSSSSSSSSS of him saying I was nothing) my background, he is now saying: oh you are arrogant. lmao! What a laugh.

Imagining unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance {RESPONSE: success, I had it. He's mad because he wanted to one up me via his new victim, "waaa my mommie is better". He is such a f--cking loser that he doesnt believe that someone that he corresponded with could in fact be around people, things and places that are symbols of all that he is rambling on about.}

HIS STATEMENT: Requiring constant attention and positive reinforcement from others (Not me, so must be his latest twitter person)

HIS STATEMENT: Becoming jealous easily (My response: More like becoming ANNOYED easily.)

>>>>>> disregarding the feelings of others (fraudulent child support) <<<<<< This is really rather sad.

Being obsessed with oneself
Pursuing mainly selfish goals
Trouble keeping healthy relationships
Becoming easily hurt and rejected
Setting goals that are unrealistic
Wanting "the best" of everything

^ Sounds like a woman to me.

Narcissists like him are cry babies, they blame everyone around them.
When they are not stepping on people in their finest hour, they are crying in the corner when they dont get their way. They very RARELY stand up and look themselves in the mirror and face that they need a change. They dont give themselves a chance, they are too busy going around having mini dialogues about how they are far better, this one is not good today, that one is better than that one, and their world goes on. Every single DAY a complaining, pessimistic, cry baby narcissist is somewhere complaining about how the WORLD is wrong because they FAIL to process how they are very much A PART of their downfall. They are too arrogant to do that.
He's talking about his girlfriend in this one. I would draft up the paper work to help her sue if I knew her.

- Bug - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

Are you aware that Narcissists believe they are Gods, better than everyone else? In this, blaming other people is not because they are cry babies. Cry babies blame others because they are cowards and so forth, Narcissists aren't cowards. They are the type to step on people to get what they want and/or to get to the top of the food chain as they believe its them who deserve it. Its just one step under being a full blown Sociopath/Psychopath.

Wow, you are sounding quite ignorant claiming that you think women suffer with the condition. Well, to tell you the truth...I see it in both genders. You clearly don't fully understand what a Narcissist is. Sounds like you are just ranting over some girl who chose to reject you. I wouldn't blame her, if that's the case.