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Guys and Girls: Can you help me get over him? - Printable Version

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Guys and Girls: Can you help me get over him? - You ♥ me and you know it. - 11-27-2012 06:37 AM

There's this guy in my Physics class who I like a lot, a LOT. We used to be in the same homeroom, but I gave up a few of our common subjects, so now we have only 1class together, 2 times a week. I've had a crush on him for the past 3 years, but we became friends abt 2 years ago. Lately, ive been thinking about him a lot, his jokes, his personality, his looks. This guy is really nice, and loving, and at times i feel he likes me too. However, dating is not acceptable where we come from, we both live in Spain and our families are NOT Spanish, btw, we r both Muslim. I love him a lot and can't live without him, yet he cant be my bf. I want to get over him, we can go on being frndz and all. I'm not on FB nor do i have a phone, but we follow each other on twitter, even though we both dont use it. When i c him, i cant help staring, in class i can't help but regret that i gave up all those subjects i could have had with him. I dont just like his looks, i like him for who he is, and he's just awesome. Can someone help me get over this crush?
I don't want to date him, neither does he. And Islam is much better than you guys think. It's a beautiful religion.
As far as this guy is concerned, I just want to be friends with him, I don't want to date him, not cuz of my family or religion, but beacause i just don't want to. Please stick to the point.

- You ♥ me and you know it. - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

To hell with your families. Think for yourselves and do what you want. You're old enough now. And if you think your family might harm you then leave them immediately.

- Fred Wolf - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

Well it sounds like you really like this guy a lot, but u aren't allowed to date. Hmm, well I think you need to sit down with ur parents and tell them you really like this guy and want to take him out, or something like that. He sounds like he has mutual feelings, good luckBig Grin

- Sally Ahmed - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

Dear Sister,

Have you not read Allah's words in the Quran when He says:

And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (guard their modesty) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent and to draw their veils over their bodies, necks and bosoms....
(Chapter #24, Verse #31)

Sister, you have to learn that in Islam you must lower your gaze and must not look at any guys or it will then become a sin on you. There is no such thing as having a boy as a friend, this is not allowed in Islam, because one by one you will be falling deeper into sin. As Allah says in the Quran:

O you who believe! Follow not the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan). And whosoever follows the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan), then, verily he commands Al-Fahsha' [i.e. to commit indecency (illegal sexual intercourse)], and Al-Munkar [disbelief and polytheism (i.e. to do evil and wicked deeds; and to speak or to do what is forbidden in Islam)]. And had it not been for the Grace of Allah and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure from sins. But Allah purifies (guides to Islam) whom He wills, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
( Chapter #24, Verse #21)

**** If this guy wants to marry you, he will go to your father and ask him for your marriage and you will then be walking right in Islam. But to keep staring and talking to him will only lead to sin and the displeasure of Allah. And don't forget that Allah has power to make him dislike you because you disobeyed Him. Walk in the straight path and if this guy is good for you Allah, if He wills, will bring you guys to each other.

Don't displease the Creator to please the creation.

May Allah guide you to what He pleases. Ameen