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How many copies does an average self-published/printed book sell? - Printable Version

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How many copies does an average self-published/printed book sell? - Javik - 11-27-2012 06:37 AM

Is there any statistics on the average number?

- Zack Sika - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

It matters how the reader spreads the news of the book.
If they give it a bad review and tell there friends that it's a bad book,then it will spread as a bad book.
It's the reader that is the critic.

- Smilingpocket132 - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

I Looked It Up This Question In Google, And By My Research There Is No Statistics On How The Average Sleg Published/Printed Book's Sell.

- RedStar - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

There are no statistics because of course, the only people keeping sales figures are the authors.

But if you're talking about novels, they typically sell either no copies at all, or however many copies the author can persuade their family and friends to buy. Almost nobody gets even close to making their money back through sales.

- Ryan Ong - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

It varies depending on how good it is. Please do not believe people who say self-published work *never* sells. It is not uncommon for a writer to self-publish, sell well, and then receive an offer from a publisher (like Weena Poon).

However, you must be aware that chain bookstores do not carry self-published works. Small bookstores might, if you ask nicely. You must have your own distribution and marketing strategy.

Ensure you have tried all the proper channels *before* self-publishing. Make sure you have approached all the appropriate agents (if you have been going direct to publishers, you have been doing it wrong).

It is a good idea to sell and publish short stories or news articles *before* self-publishing. Have a small fan base first. Set up a blog, and use social media to promote your own work. Self-published work can and does sell, but *you must know how to market it*.

- cathrl69 - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

The numbers I've seen are 40 and 70.