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How does social networks (like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and ETC.) effects peoples lives? Is it good or bad? - Printable Version

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How does social networks (like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and ETC.) effects peoples lives? Is it good or bad? - Kikey46 - 11-27-2012 06:38 AM

I've always check my Facebook account. And it occurs to me that practically billions of other user do the same everyday, and not just for Facebook. There's Twitter, Friendster, Myspace, and ETC. This doesn't just apply to ordinary civilians. Celebrities have made a special page on well themselves. And these special pages don't just apply to celebs, there's companies, restaurants, food, music, and anything you can think of, can get more publicity via Facebook. Maybe I am just talking about Facebook. But I always wonder how BIG is Facebook, and how other social websites have made an impact to our lives? What effects will happen to us and our next generation?

- byuskiutah24 - 11-27-2012 06:46 AM


- willaby543 - 11-27-2012 06:46 AM

I think it can be good and bad. It is good because it connects me with people i would not be able to talk to otherwise. It keeps you updated on your friends, no matter if they are in California or Greece. The bad part it it can be very time consuming and addicting.

- Sajen - 11-27-2012 06:46 AM

that's a difficult question to answer but I think it's a little of both as they provide a way for people who otherwise might never meet to interact with each other however they increase the dangers one normally has to contend with on the internet.

- aravias101010 - 11-27-2012 06:46 AM

I have a Facebook. That's normal. My sister has a Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Lifespring, etc, etc. That's not normal. It can go from just keeping in touch with people you're close to, to an obsession.