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How would you sell a product to a church? - Printable Version

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How would you sell a product to a church? - Matthew Hubbard - 11-27-2012 06:38 AM

If you had a product that was right for churches, how would you approach them, who would you talk to, what would you say? Be as specific as possible.

- berzerkchild - 11-27-2012 06:47 AM

You wouldn't. Unless it's another way to talk to an invisible object with their hands clasped together.

- Kevin - 11-27-2012 06:47 AM


I am an Ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ and a Social Media Marketing

I have good understanding in the area of business communication in Churches.

step 1) Get the tel number of the Church, name and address

Step 2) Find out who the Pastor of the church is

Step 3) Send a letter and email addressed to the Pastor explaining your products and services
with your contact details attached. State that you will call back if they do not call you.

Step 4) When you call back, ask if they have received the letter and the email you sent on the date and time.

Step 5 ) Be yourself and opporate with respect honesty and integrity.

Step 6) Find out when the Churches Bible study days are- you can walk in freely and usually get the pastors attention after the teaching has finished.

Step 7) Once you have made contact ask for other local churches in the area

you can get more help at:

"What you make happen for others God will make happen for you" :-)