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How can i get justin bieber to follow me? - Printable Version

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How can i get justin bieber to follow me? - Clove - 11-27-2012 06:39 AM

Ive tryed everything for 2 years now ive tried unfollowing him and refollowing a million times

Ive tried RT'ing everything he tweets

Ive tried just tweeting him millions of times

Ive tried getting other people to message him saying please follow me

Ive tried tweeting him from 3 different accts at the one time

And millions of other things i just really want him to


Juust please someone give me a good good idea thwt will work????? Xxxxxxxxx

- I DJ Weddings - 11-27-2012 06:47 AM

You are one of millions doing the same.
He has other things to do than follow every bit of fan mail / twitters / and other things like that.
Buy his music, admire him from afar and go ob living as normal..

- ♥Audriana - 11-27-2012 06:47 AM

Tweet really horny stuffs .i saw justine follows some horny people such as @bangbieberhard. Big Grin

- Mark - 11-27-2012 06:47 AM

Well, you could do what Peter and Brian did TWICE to James Woods on "Family Guy"...

- hollisterr12 - 11-27-2012 06:47 AM

There are many ways. He usually tweets fans that tweet about his albums, his songs, his movie, Chuck Norris jokes, his interviews or about at a event that he was at. So you could try tweeting him any of that. The people that he notices the most are the ones that spam him. Seriously, don't spam him it gets him really annoyed the only reason he probably retweets them or follows them is because they say the same thing over and over again and they will not leave him alone and the only way for them to leave him alone is for him to follow or tweet them. You don't want Justin to think of you as an annoying person that spams him. Your day will come everyone's does. Tweet him something that is unique.. that is different compared to others, something that will catch his eye. He usually follows and retweets people that say unique things when he retweets someone he practically follows them. He does creep a lot. When he is creeping he is either on someone else's page reading their tweets, following fans without tweeting anything so no one knows he is online and hes just following away lol. So he could be on your page reading your tweets, we will never know. When you go on Justin Bieber's Twitter page and you see his following rate going up and up (if you keep refreshing the page it will show it) that means that he is following fans so when you see it going up immediately unfollow him then follow him again so that you are in his recent followers (he follows recent followers more, he tries to follow older followers he tries to follow everyone he just doesn't have the enough time and he will get follow limit). He follows, retweets, tweets, and direct messages his fans everyday he is the only celebrity that does that. No matter how much followers he has or how much time he has he always makes time for his fans. He loves his fans a lot and it shows. Also when he tweets tweet him very fast so that he could see it, but don't just tweet him something that says "follow me? I love you" because he gets that a lot. Tweet him something, sweet, funny, unique, or a Chuck Norris joke, ask him something, like how are you? Can you do a flirty tweet? Can you do a Chuck Norris joke, tweet him something about his album, movies, how much he has grown up, (don't say anything mean or rude). Just tweet anything and send it as fast as you can to him. You could make it in capable letters he would notice that. Or tweet something and look at it and be like "would this catch my eye?" if it does then it would catch Justin's eye.. hes only human. He has sent this to a fan before on June 20th -- "even when i dont retweet you or reply or follow at that moment...i notice. and im trying everyday" so he does notice all of his fans that tweet him he looks at them everyday. So even if he doesn't follow, RT, follow or DM you he still notices you. Everyone will get noticed someday but even if you don't get noticed in a few months/years don't give up. You are not the only one, there are fans that wait weeks, months, years for him to follow them and it still hasn't happened yet. Everyone will get noticed eventually. Never say never and never give up. Good luck Smile