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Need job advice, would you do this to help land a job.? - Printable Version

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Need job advice, would you do this to help land a job.? - fatdog1993 - 11-27-2012 06:39 AM

For the last few years I've been trying to get into this company which pays good, has great job security and room for advancement if educated. Well my best friend who I've know for almost 30 years, since we were about 5, works for this company his uncle got him in. To increase my chances of getting into this company I'm in a certificate program at a local college which will guarantee some testing and an interview with this company. Which is great because I lost my job a few months ago and times are extremely tough. To increase my chances of getting in I asked my friend if it would be ok if I contacted his uncle to see if he could help my chances of getting in. When I asked my friend he ignored me and changed topics. I was hoping he would say no problem, I'll ask him myself but his reaction was nothing like that. I don't know if he has something against me or what.

The method of contacting his uncle is through facebook, actually his wife's account. YES, I know its not the traditional route but times are tuff. I don't want to waste this opportunity, I've been trying to think of anyone who could help me but this is the only thing I could think of. I get one interview, and I have to compete with other guys in the program. Like I said I don't want to waste this chance.

I've played cards with the uncle once and I've been to their home when my friend fixed his aunts lab top. I'm not great friends with them but they have an idea of who I am. So that's why I'm going through facebook. It would be great if he could pull me into the company, but all I'm asking for is to put a good word in for me. I already have an associates degree, just about completed this certificate and will begin my bachelors in the spring. I'm qualified for a job with this company, I just feel like I need some inside help.

I don't want some 18 year old who has no work experience or schooling to beat me out just because he has a family member in the company. Which is just about how my friend got in.

- Bradley - 11-27-2012 06:48 AM


You can always contact someone politely through facebook.

Make sure it is a personal message.

and explain your situation.