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I wanna hang with this person! HELP? - Printable Version

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I wanna hang with this person! HELP? - sca - 11-27-2012 06:40 AM

Ok I am 18 years old and I go to a University at my home town. This girl comes to this university I go to from a different state. Me and her are the same nationality and the same religion. It has been 3 months since I have known her. I just want us to be just friends. We have seen each other on random times walk in the University but it has been like three weeks and I have not seen her anymore. All I want to is increase the conversation which would increase the friendship. I dont know what to do. I still don't have her cell number which means that friendship is weak.
I dont know what to do. I need help!
Now through facebook chat, not chat throught wall on wall, just the live chat, I want to ask her if we can have lunch together if she is bored and has nothing to do.
I want a good friendship.
Is it ok to ask her to go to lunch with me through facebook or should I ask her in person?

- SpaldingJag - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

Some would say it's better to ask in person, but if you haven't seen her in 3 weeks then go ahead and do it through Facebook. I don't see a problem with that.

- Falcon - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

Where do u wanna hang? On branches, pipe, where? Alright, listen, u r a very desperate person and your confidence is pretty low. Do as i say... ask her through facebook when will u see her next, and when u'll meet her, talk to her, ask questions about her life(general, not personal), tell her some jokes, make her laugh( don't make a joke of her ), when she starts enjoying your company ask her number, whatever. Starting tomorrow you do as i say and you shall have her as a good friend in no time. Good luck!!!