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Why do we export so much unskilled labor and then wonder why the uneducated can't seem to find jobs? - Printable Version

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Why do we export so much unskilled labor and then wonder why the uneducated can't seem to find jobs? - Alice - 11-27-2012 06:40 AM

I am more concerned with overseas labor, but of course "importing" illegal immigrants isn't helping the situation.

- Iceman - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

You mean import?
You have a good point most unskilled labor come to this country trough Immigration both legal and illegal.
Due to lack of eduction and skills, the majority compete for lower paid jobs that could make it harder for the Americans who are also interested to find such jobs

- vwvw40 - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

Cheap Labor is why! China will make their workers labor for 14-16 hours a day 7 days a week and if the complain, they die! China will force these workers to work for $2.00 a day, if they complain, they die! Hmm seems to be a pattern here.

- Thunderousuncle986 - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

where u fro in california its imported so us californians cant find work .so if your exorting laborers to here please take them back we do'nt want them

- nononsense - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

Let's see, in China 50 cents an hour for labor, in America $6.50 for the same labor.

- Altair 1 - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

I think you meant to say import, right? This is a very valid question. We could put those with less education to work and take hundreds of thousands off the welfare rolls.

- Home-School - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

I believe you either meant to say "Export jobs" or "Import labor"

Why do we expect to fix joblessness by taxing corporations and making it more expensive to build products here?

The party of the poor, needs to create more poor people. The more poverty, misery, unemployment and immorality it can produce, the more people who will demand government help.

- Visualmaid769 - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

do you want a real answer....Cooperate welfare controls who works and dont work. Who owns the cooperations? The Investors! Who are the investors. The people who stole the money from the poor workers Who are the poor workers. The people smart enough to do the work but stupid enough not to ask questions.

For real i use to drive 18 wheelors. I would go to a company and talk to a white manager that would point me to a bay to park the truck. Then a bunch of people who did not speak english would to the work to fill the truck. Could you imagine going to a company for a job and there requirements are.. You can only be an non english speaking person that is totally controled by an ouside contractor that you do know talk with or know. Or you have to have several degrees in management and speak several languages with 10 years of mangement experience.

- David G - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

It's all about $$$$$. What is the annual goal of every company in the world? It's to make more profit the next year, hence the outrageous charges for dumb things on phone bills, increase in tuition for students even though they're less professors/teachers working, etc...Companies get greedy and they're always looking for more ways to make you spend a penny or two. If a million people spend a penny for your services...well, that's a lot of pennies.

- 63vette - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

Actually I think the unskilled labor jobs here are filled by the immigrants, both legal and illegal.
The industry I have been working in for the last 18 years has a lot of unskilled and lower paying jobs in it (most is manual labor and hard work). The problem is that there are no uneducated/under-educated Americans who will take the jobs....... only the immigrants. The Americans always quit because the work is too hard.

If you are wondering why so many of American jobs (manufacturing, etc.) are going elsewhere, the reasons can be found in all the trade agreements put in place over the last 2 - 3 decades and lower costs (wages, taxes, etc.) for moving those type jobs to foreign countries.