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Will face book ever charge a fee? - Printable Version

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Will face book ever charge a fee? - Logan Foley - 11-27-2012 06:41 AM

- ThisChick d; - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

Let's hope not ;D

- Anthony - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

It says on the homepage above the registration section that it'll always be free. It makes millions if not billions as it is, no point in charging and losing a large bulk of its members.

- TenorSax_1329 - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

I doubt itSmile I don't know about every other facebook addict in the world, but the day facebook starts charging is the day I finally delete my accountSmile

- jmryburn - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

They do for stupid junk, like certain games and questionnaire type of things. But an overall fee to be on Facebook, no.

- Luke Sanby - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

If you ask this question, then you need to know how they get their money.

The main way, and how they have had most of it from the very beginning - Advertising. Which means the more members you have, the more chance someone will click on the ads and then buy stuff (Clicking gets them x-amount of money, while buying something after clicking on that add gets them a small amount of the money from that product maybe even 1% in some cases) Keeping it free makes FaceBook more accessible to more people giving it more of a chance.

Second way, they have companies pay them for particular adverts to be on the page(These are additional to Google Ads and have little to do with people clicking etc, however the more they are used the more likely the company will keep paying to have ads on there).

Third way, big companies and business people buy shares. They need to get their money back, in terms of shares or returned investments, which means FaceBook must always increase the amount of users. Most people could not use, or would not use, FaceBook if it had a charge.

A company telling you it will never do something is never a promise, they can do whatever they like with their company and how it works, but it is safe to say they would loose money in the above ways to such an amount that a fee would not cover it. Having said that, many Social Networking sites have a 'Premium Member' service letting people who can/want to pay get a little bit extra than regular members. This would probably not happen with FaceBook because you do not really have a maximum amount of messages you can send or comments you can leave in groups etc, but a simple addition of a message board(With maximum comments per day) would give them one way to give perks to a 'Premium Member'. They could even begin using a maximum amount of albums you can have, which is removed with 'Premium Membership'.

Either way, we can see that the basic FaceBook will always be free, although one day they may add a paid service to the free one for a small price.

- Brian - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

If they do then I will close my account. Simples.