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Questions about being famous? - Printable Version

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Questions about being famous? - sandra - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

Hi everyone. My dream is to be famous someday, I would want to be an actress. I want to start young so when I'm older, I could get more advanced. So I have a twitter and I am trying to get celebs to follow me. QUESTION #1: Can a celebrity help me get famous? I'm not saying this will happen for sure, but if I succeed in the following process, can they really help? QUESTION #2: I can't really sing or anything, and I have a local music store that give you singing lessons, (and I want answers from people that have been in lessons) they are $30/for 30 mins. Do vocal lessons really improve your voice and Is it worth it?

All I'm asking is:

•Can a celebrity help someone get famous?
•Are vocal lessons worth $30 for 30 minutes and do they improve your voice a lot or not much?

***Also, if an actor/artist is following you, please tell me your twitter name or ask me to put mine up and I will put my username on this question*** Thanks Smile

- Sophi - 11-27-2012 06:50 AM

Ive never had lessons butttt.... You could Get One direction to follow you (UK) they are singers but maybe... Wink
Tweet these to these people and they will follow you and ill let you go from there.
@HarryStyles Smile Wink xD >.<
@LouisTomlinson Follow me please
@NiallHoran How are you? Hope you feel good Wink
(Idk im guessing on last 2)
@ZaynMalik Vas Happinin' Potatos?
@LiamPayne How are you Professer Payne? Wink

You once they follow you you can tell them you are very interested in acting and say you wish you could be an actor or whatever!. P.S who ever you pick as Best comment, please put your first and last initail like this ex: Sunny.B. (theres probally thosands with your name Smile)I dont wanna stock you but i want to look for you in the future and see if your a star!

- chiennoir54 - 11-27-2012 06:50 AM

I don't mean to be too nasty, but really aren't there enough people already who are "famous" for the sake of being famous? You can't really sing, you'd like to be an actress . . . in order to get famous? In a sane world, people become famous for being able to do something. The fame comes as a result of having something to offer that people appreciate in some way. You can learn to sing or learn to act and put some work into developing any skills you may have and you MAY become famous. Becoming famous through Twitter sounds like a ridiculous ambition. And I know it's not just you. This country has become a land of imbecile celebrities. The Kardashians? Honey Boo-Boo? Paris Hilton? God help us all.