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Why do teenage girls try so hard to look sexy? - Printable Version

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Why do teenage girls try so hard to look sexy? - SeanC - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

I suppose boys make an effort with their appearance too, but not half as much as the girls - make up, tops that show a bit of cleavage, short skirts. Why do they have to resort to such shallowness in today's society?

- Leveler - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

They want to impress guys. It often works too.

- Witty named person - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Possibly to boost self confidence, most females like attention, like to feel attractive to others. Thankyou for the thumb down whomever.

- James Bayliss - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

because todays society has alot of sex in it and all they want is some of this sex

- dreamofdjinni - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

I was going to tell you, but then I see you are accusing the girls of "shallowness".

- Lares - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Why do breasts always have to be about sex with you British types? All the humour in england is always about groping women and stuff. So nasty.

- Superdude - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Lol, I certainly don't have anything against it o_o

- - - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Because guys are horny & they want to fuck girls who have a massive amount of sex appeal.

- c.bas8 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

you are speaking of a particular group of women..Dont make it seem like all of them..

teenage girls try to get boys its that simple..Some girls take it way too far and look like street walkers..

- Aurora - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

because we are all self conscious of how we look and we try to draw attention away from our flaws. we are all jealous of eachother and we hate ourselves. its sad, i knowSad