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Dog Section: What are your thoughts on this (+BQ)? - Printable Version

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Dog Section: What are your thoughts on this (+BQ)? - Beautiful Nightmare - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

Personally, it made me so mad. Read all of the details that come with the picture:

BQ:If you came across that dog at a car boot sale, what would you do?

(I'm not sure if Americans have car boot sales...If not, it's basically a place where people show up to sell all of their junk that they no longer want).
@Wabbits: BQ means "Bonus Question".

- purringaunt802 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Wow. That's terrible but not uncommon. BYBs will do anything to get money off of their puppies. I hope someone takes the mother dog too.

- Wabbits - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

In America, it's called a garage sale. In America, people don't sell dogs at garage sales, unless you were talking about a stray around the garage sale, in which case I would leave it. Also in America, we don't know what the abbreviation "BQ" means. Or at least I don't.

- inaal rabak - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

back in the day dogs were sold from wooden boxes , on farmers doorsteps ,
why has so many people have to be PC these days , what ever happened to the good olde days

- Bobbie L IS BACK - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

We have the same thing in America, people selling their poor quality, backyard bred pups from their cars, at places like gas stations, grocery stores.

It makes me mad, and I have a hard time keeping my thoughts to myself. I have mentioned spaying to them, but in one ear, and out the other.

- Madseed804 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

My thoughts are that whoever did that is scum but it's not uncommon. What would I do? Don't know... probably not a lot as I couldn't take the dog myself and as far as I know, it's not illegal to sell dogs like that.

- Sheba J - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Wabbits, I live in the US and sometimes garage sale. Have seen puppies for sale at them. Quite sickening.

- raspywater345 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Not that unusual, just another scum BYBer trying to make easy money.

Since I work with a rescue, and already have two Border Collies of my own I'd Probaly keep in my care until he could find an owner.

- noisyWarrior192 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

What made me grind my teeth in annoyance was when I browsed through the other dogs and noticed the beautiful seven year old senior Dobermann b*tch Tara dumped by her family and based on the information provided the family were unsuited to own the breed. It will be more of a challenge to find a permanent home for an older dog at the stage of life when expenses begin to increase than a fluffy pup.

BQ: If I had come across Tara being sold at a car boot sale [though I don’t know of any that sell dogs] I would have purchased to prevent an idiot unsuited to owning the breed taking her on and then depending on her temperament keep her or find a suitable permanent home through breed rescue.