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What ever happened to the real conservatives of America? - Printable Version

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What ever happened to the real conservatives of America? - ABC - 11-27-2012 06:42 AM

Before Roosevelt and the New Deal, there were people called the "Old Right." These people campaigned against Roosevelt's New Deal, social programs... they campaigned against interfering in other nations affairs. They campaigned for individual liberty and economic stability. They campaigned against regulation, and for the free market. Where have all the real conservatives gone? If we had any, we wouldn't even be having this debate on healthcare.

So, I'll repeat the question again: Where has the old right gone? Where have all of America's real conservatives gone? Why aren't conservatives pushing as hard as they should be for constitutional reform?

- pdooma - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

I guess you haven't been listening.

- Ruth - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

They died. I mean those ones did.

When I see this "real conservative" thing and it is based on one person's perception of history, I realize the person is not having the ability to get to where we are now.

You have to get to where we are now. We cannot go back and undo 40 some years of history. We just cannot. No matter how much Ron Paul and some of us might wish it.

In order for us to get to where we need to be, we have to figure out how to get Republicans on the same page, first. I say we work on that. Because the third-party movement is growing, but I've only ever seen that help the DNC.

And I can tell you with almost 100% certainty, that you will not get conservatives on the same page if you're willing to cast aside the moral issues. Because in the days of old, to which you refer, conservatives were pro-life. In fact, so were most decent human beings.

- miniaturevoyage577 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

We are now either ignored or lied about - called terrorists, Nazis etc.
Now that nearly ALL of "the media" has admitted being willing propagandists for the left. It's not as easy for us to get exposure (except propaganda lying about us) as it once was.

- yellow.45 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

the last pair were housed in the 1950's environment at the bronx zoo, but they failed to produce offspring. cultural anthropologists and primate specialists cited something about sex being against the conservatives natural mating habits. the species subsequently passed into extinction. a tragic loss indeed.

- wyomugs - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

I've been here ALL the time! Besides me, there was Reagan, but he's gone now. My parents, my siblings, all real conservatives. Then there's Rush and Sean... can't count them out.

Republican from before she was born... and PROUD of it.