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What is the difference between a primary and secondary social institution? - Printable Version

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What is the difference between a primary and secondary social institution? - Catmosphere - 11-27-2012 06:43 AM

- Mel - 11-27-2012 06:52 AM

depending on which country u live in. primary is usu the schools, workplaces. In communist countries - its the ballet concert hall. In india, its the temple. in rural SEAsia - its the community hall where populace gather in the evenings for consultation. the family unit is also primary as it inculcate the values of the country to the youngies. the media is now primary in places where tv are available. in the olden day, it was the radio which is still in india, africa, s america. the newspapers tt carries all national news etc, parliament where laws r debated and enacted

sec are mainly the peer group, the drinking holes, the taxi driver's lamentations, the market where the gossips r found, the outdoor cafes outside paris etc, meetings in libraries among friends, intellectuals