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How do you earn more Facebook Farmville credits WITHOUT having to pay money? - Printable Version

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How do you earn more Facebook Farmville credits WITHOUT having to pay money? - Sheila P - 11-27-2012 06:44 AM

Playing Facebook's Farmville and would like to increase the FV credits earned. Any ideas??

- calmfight159 - 11-27-2012 06:53 AM

You must gain more level in order to win more credits in Farmville.

- Kitten - 11-27-2012 06:53 AM

I just started a couple days ago but already level 18. This is my take on the application so far.

You get one FV buck every day you log in. If this isn't enough...

At the top of the FV application window, you will see a toolbar that says Play, My Neighbors.... Get More Farm Coins. Click on this option. You can either pay for your FV bucks or if you scroll beyond this you will see offers and ads that you can take advantage of to earn FV bucks.

I've done some of the free ones for other applications. You have to jump through a lot of hoops to get the last screen which you have to get to to earn the bucks though. It is possible and far less expensive than buying them. However, expect lots of popup ads through out the process and after. I strongly! suggest you run an application like Spybot Search & Destroy and/or CCleaner when you are done to get rid of the cookies and all the buildup in the internet cache.

Also an FYI, the FV bucks from these are not instantaneously credited to you. It can take from an hour up to 2 days to get the bucks credited to your account so some patience is required too.

If you don't stick to the "Free" offers, be very cautious of anything that gives you a free sample but requires your credit card number. A lot of them are automatically renewing club memberships and many companies (I have learned the hard way) are difficult to get a hold of to cancel the membership.

- pelmeshkin - 11-27-2012 06:53 AM

You get 1 FV for going a level up. They just introduced this a few days ago.

There was also one weekend (a week ago) when Farmville fan page on Facebook got over 500,000 fans and to celebrate this and to thank all the people, Zynga (the makers of the game) introduced Super Berry seeds just for that weekend. They were 10 coins to buy and 100 coins to sell and ripening in just 2 hours, but each harvest of those would also give you 1FV credit. I got 8 FVs this way.

Unfortunatelly, this has ended now, but they may do something like that in the future.