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Do You want to increase Your website traffic? - Printable Version

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Do You want to increase Your website traffic? - Oksana Snigurska - 11-27-2012 06:45 AM

Does Your website stand out from others? Have You spent 100s, even 1000s trying to increase traffic without results? What’s the solution? BB is the answer! Our network is an online marketplace designed to bring advertisers and website publishers together. An online advertiser uses banner ads to promote their website to increased viewership. A publisher owns a website and with the right amount of traffic earns commissions on ad inventory, sales and impressions. If You wondering what ad impressions are – it’s a measure of the number of the times the ad is seen by website viewers. It’s like a page view, exception – it only refers to the section where the ad is. Now, what if You are both? You could be a publisher that also wants to advertise. Well, we provide the AdPubCombo. This is the advertiser and publisher combo package. Increase traffic to Your website and earn revenue from the ads on Your site.
Seeing is Believing! Give it a try! We will even give You 1000 of free impressions on Your first ad campaign. BB really works. It’s a new approach to online advertising that’s intent on increasing Your sales revenue while promoting Your brand. What differentiates us from other banner impression sites is our initiative to sell on Your behalf – You get paid for Your impressions, while maintaining full control over the monetization of Your campaign.
Just register here and find out how You can increase Your website traffic along with earning great comissions

- Profits - 11-27-2012 06:53 AM

I do know if you want to increase organic traffic you need to have be ranked highly on the search engines. You can have a look at this blog post about getting people to your website. You can also comment to get backlinks.

If you are using social network to gain traffic, you would need create a facebook page and get facebook likes. You can also use twitter to promote your site, however you need more followers. You can also use youtube but your require view to get your video to the top.

I hope I managed to answer your question.