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How do i get followers on twitter? - Printable Version

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How do i get followers on twitter? - Potatoes are cool - 09-30-2012 09:32 AM

I recently made one but I'm so clueless as to how it all works! What are you supposed to do? I have 5 followers that i just randomly got and i only know 2 of those people.
I follow 11 people but i dont want to feel like a loser if i follow lots of people and nobody follows me back!
i have tons of friends on facebook soo how do i get followers??

- catthatbarks - 09-30-2012 09:40 AM


1) Pick a personality for your twitter tweets and a main subject to tweet about. What I mean is, if you tweet about every subject in sight, not many people will follow you constantly because people usually search for one subject at a time.

2) Retweet and Reply ! Remember that if you retweet or reply something from someone with many followers, people who follow that person will most likely see your post!
Get involved in discussions.

3) Tweet daily, but no too often. Too often: people get annoyed. Not often enough: people get bored.

4) Keep your tweets interesting and witty if possible. People like comedy.

5) Remember to customize your profile and homepage with backgrounds and profile pic. Choose a good username for people to remember you.

6) Tell your friends to tell their friends and so on. Post that you now have twitter on facebook or something.

7) Keep at it. Don't give up. People will eventually follow you!

- Kendra - 09-30-2012 09:40 AM

Try using Keeko is a social media exchange tool that allows you to increase your twitter followers. Just signup in this awesome site now.

- Michael - 09-30-2012 09:40 AM

It's not hard to get twitter followers, even without tools, if you know where to advertise your page. Take a look at this tutorial:

It has a few places you can advertise your twitter on.

- Sanford Cosby - 09-30-2012 09:40 AM

To get followers, promote your twitter profile on as many site as you can

- Daid - 09-30-2012 09:40 AM

You can't really get any for free but I would recommend, they offer 20,000 Twitter Followers within 24 hours for only $34.99.

- Lindsay Haygood - 09-30-2012 09:40 AM

I was trying to get more followers on my twitter many times in past, but about year ago I started buying them. It´s the most reliable, effective and fast way for me and it does really work. It´s possible to arrange better and cheaper prices throught e-mail.
Hope I helped you. Good luck and have a nice rest of your day!