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How to make up with my best friend? - dontask. - 11-27-2012 06:47 AM

Me and this girl used to be SO close. And I mean like sisters. Her mom was practically my mom too, our families got on so so well it's unreal. We would tell each other everything, and that's really rare for me... I just can't explain how well we got on, we were perfect as best friends it's actually indescribable!

A few months ago though everything changed. At a party I tried smoking and her parents are very strict on that sort of thing and when they found out they said I couldn't see my best friend anymore. My parents got mad after they found out too but they said that her parents had no right saying that we couldn't see each other and said that they didn't want my friend seeing me if that was the case! (I know... confusing right?) but basically it lead to our parents arguing and me and my best friend having a massive argument and not talking.

Anyway, months on and we are now both at different schools (We both wanted to do different study paths). We are no longer in a 'feud' as I sent her a birthday present and she thanked me for it through twitter but other than that we haven't made any other contact. When she spoke to me thanking me for the present she didn't seem mad at all but at the same time she didn't seem particularly keen to make up... but then again I think she's a bit nervous about me rejecting her if she made the first move as I've always been the headstrong one (Not in a horrible way, just as in I'm more confident than her)

I thought she would crack first and be the one to apologise but I honestly think it's been too long now and I just miss her so so much. I don't know if she feels the same but literally I can't describe how much I miss her and having someone to talk to about everything. I feel she may feel the same for a few reasons. Firstly I can see through her twitter she hasn't made many friends at her new school and as I was the one who got her invited to parties she no longer goes to parties either. All over her twitter are the pictures of us and since then she hasn't uploaded anymore pictures with anyone else which makes me think she hasn't made many friends at her new school wheras all over my twitter are posts from my new friends, old friends and tons of pictures of me at parties and out and about and so she probably thinks I've moved on... when in reality I haven't... I miss her like hell. I spoke to my mom about it and told her I was ready to forgive and forget and be best friends with her again and my mom agreed I should make the first move but I'm mostly scared of this girls mom... her mom is really strict and I'm just generally scared about contacting her and then if she agreed to meet with me i'm scared of her mom's reaction.

So, my question is... how do I make the first move and apologise... I preferably don't want to apologise but I don't know if there's any other way around it? And what do I say? How do I start the conversation? Do I talk to her through email or do I try to ask to meet with her in person? Should I get our other friends to come too or keep it to just us? Is it even worth the effort?!

Any advice that isn't unhelpful or sarcastic would be gratefully welcome!

- Pooka Fish - 11-27-2012 06:55 AM

First of all, best friends are ALWAYS worth it. Second, you're acting like apologising will be an extremely difficult task. It won't. It's easy.

Just go forth and apologise! Go into a long speech similar to the one here and tell her how much you miss her. Good luck!😃💗

- ashley - 11-27-2012 06:55 AM

Just email her and tell her your sorry for what happened and that you'd like to meet up with her soon and get lunch. If your worried about her mom go tell her mom your sorry too and that you really didn't want to lose your bf over your actions and your sorry. Tell her it will never happen again and that you have completely learned your lesson. That you really miss your bf.