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Why does Twitter have a picture of a mosque on its home page? - Printable Version

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Why does Twitter have a picture of a mosque on its home page? - super g - 11-27-2012 06:48 AM

soften the image of muslims? massage it into the psyche of people in a multiculturalism, pc kinda way? Just think it's odd... If there was a church or a buddhist temple, would that be an appropriate home page image for a website frequented by 100 million + ?
Right. Do anything except answer the question right?
Did I ever say they couldn't? They could do whatever they want, the question I'm asking is WHY

- Joe Doe - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

And thus another conspiracy theory is born.

- Elliot - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

Your tin foil hat is showing.

- Fanaticalowl638 - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

Not a political question.

Why do you think you have a right to tell private industry what to do? Are you a commie?

- Sleigh Bells - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

It's just a randomnly generated backround picture.

- Chelsea 4 Life - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

twitter is full of lefties.

- James - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM


- Summertime - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

Its their page isnt it?

- Stools for Obama - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

Twitter, one more liberal institution of Tyranny. Here is a nice muslim website on how to take care of a wife.

Do You just love it. Check out the rules for incest and rules for the treatment of slaves.

And people wonder why pedophiles want to be muslims.