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What would you class as a good University Course and where? - Printable Version

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What would you class as a good University Course and where? - Lyndsey - 11-27-2012 06:48 AM

I'm currently in my last year of my a levels and just wondering what good, interesting courses are out there?
Also, what universities do you prefer and why? what's good about it?

I'm interested in history and english related subjects, what would be a good course to do for me as well?

universities in the united kingdom by the way Smile

- sarah p - 11-27-2012 06:56 AM

you could do.. anthropology most likely...

politics, criminology, english, linguistics, psychology, history, law, teaching, archeology, accountancy (some pleaces dont require a level maths strangely enough) media studies, business studies, marketing and avertising, agriculture, social work, land planning.....

relevant work experience will definately help you get into the field you want Smile

universities... emm.... Cambridge and oxford are often the high flyers and most reputable...
queens belfast is good (where i'm going yay)
uni of edinburgh is meant to be lovely too
uni of durham meant to be very reputable (alot of public school people)
UCL very good..
it all depends on what degree you do and what uni is best for it.. cause some are amazing for english and traditional subjects like that, but you usually find the lower rank ones are the best at vocational courses like social work.. etc

dont forget that after a course you can do post grads that can get you into many other fields lik law, forensics, speech therapy, journalism, teaching.... Smile