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Will they forgive me? - Printable Version

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Will they forgive me? - Joel Torres - 11-27-2012 06:50 AM

I wrote some mean things on twitter about my mom and aunt and they found out because twitter apparently posted those tweets onto my facebook. i deleted the tweets off my facebook and twitter. THey both sent me a message saying how sad they were about the things I said about them. I never meant to say those things. I was mad tweeting, as I call it. I posted an apology on my facebook page but I didn't tag them in it. I live with my grandma. My mom said she wouldn't say anything to her, but my aunt didn't say anything, other than being offended that I hated her. I don't hate them. I love them. Do you think they will ever forgive me?

- ASH king - 11-27-2012 06:58 AM

first of all why were u tweet on social networking site mainly why for ur mom and aunt???????ok i thnk that they will forgive you but after some time when u will explain why u actually did good luck