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I am feeling so depressed? Just down, and obsessive with some stuff?? I feel so horrible.? - Printable Version

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I am feeling so depressed? Just down, and obsessive with some stuff?? I feel so horrible.? - Nomnom - 10-03-2012 11:43 AM

I am a 15 year old girl, in London. I'm actually asian.
- I have suddenly developed an obsession with One Direction. I have been stalking them and trying to get them to notice me on twitter. I can't actually stop, and I feel really sad if they don't follow me or reply (which is always). they do though sometimes to other fans...

- I really want to be a professional singer, but without any lessons (I'm not allowed) I won't be able to get anywhere. Everyone says I have potential. It's so annoying, I have all these likes and comments on youtube but I never get noticed.

- I actually don't know what to do with my life. I have no goals, no matter how good my grades are (As, A*s), my parents alway expect better. Sometimes I want to try harder, but I never can.

- All my friends say I am beautiful, both in and out. They say I have a good body, great personality. That can't be true... All the guys I've liked, something had happened but there was never that 'spark'. I know I'm young, but I think nothing will ever happen for me. I sometimes think it's because I'm asian (Chinese). Is it really true guys don't go out with asian girls? That's harsh...

- I actually hate the way I look. I have a fat face, small eyes, huge lips, weird hair and ears, bad skin, huge butt... the list goes on. No matter what other people say, I never feel confident about myself. No boy has (I don't think) ever liked me. That's how I know it's true.

- I just feel depressed overall. I'm always hectic, busy, so much school work, pressure, stress.

-My dog is going out of control, and I miss the old, obedient him.

I don't know what to do. I just feel like giving up sometimes, yet I know everything I've just mentioned mean nothing. they are just a teeny part of my life I shouldn't care about.

But I do.



- Jack - 10-03-2012 11:51 AM


- Abbi - 10-03-2012 11:51 AM

You should consider getting a therapist and if you parents aren't allowing it I'd suggest you pour your heart out to them and let them know exactly how your feeling. They are your parents, they should be able to help you. You aren't going through anything normal for 15 year old, not saying your the only one but feeling the way you are now can drive you to stuff you never really wished of doing. Please asked for help out there by talking to someone you know or a therapist.

- O - 10-03-2012 11:51 AM

I think it's good your trying to deal with your issues.

I think it may be best to be brave and talk about your issues with a friend or family member. Maybe not your parents. If you think about it is brave asking a bunch of stranger for advice because some of them may be disapproving.

Your parents sound a bit harsh. I think you sound as though you have a touch of perfectionism which probably stems from your parents high standards.

So you are not a model? That is nothing to be ashamed over. 90% of people don't have model looks. From the sound of things you aren't bad looking either.

If I were in your situation I'd study something that isn't too challenging but would lead to job opportunities. That way you would have more free time. I'm not career expert but maybe social work? I'm studying science and a few social science papers and find the social science papers much easier. Social work may be not too difficult to study and lots of job opportunity although I think you have to be quite keen on it for them to accept you into social work programs.

I also suggest you look at the book 'Overcoming Perfectionism' available at

Good Luck!