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Are Karl Rove tactics terrorist tactics? - Printable Version

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Are Karl Rove tactics terrorist tactics? - JazzMan - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

Under Rovian politics you do not argue with the political position of your opponent. Here is what you do (and this has played out in local elections time and time again): - you don't defeat them - you destroy them, and you make them sorry they ever lived.

You sabotage their headquarters, flood their gatherings with homeless people, disconnect their phones, flood them with phony magazine subscriptions, destroy their credit, harass their children in school, set their cars on fire, put "For Sale" signs in their front lawns, photoshop them into photos with prostitutes, make their wives and children feel embarrassed that they ever knew him, run him out of town on rails, file phony suits against their businesses, break into their offices to take important stuff, and to plant even more important stuff, disconnect their cell phones, set off fire works in front of their houses at 3 o'clock in the morning, report them to the IRS, threaten or buy off their current employer, blackmail current employers into firing the candidate, send him emails with child pornography and then call the law on him, find the ex-wife and pay her lots of money to start making wild charges, steal their pet dog, plant drugs in their car, create phony and highly scandalous MySpace, Facebook, and other websites, bombard his computer with every known virus amd keyboard logger known, have his power disconnected, plant false entries into his credit record, mail bizarre and weird letters purportedly from him and on his letterhead to all sorts of members of the community, put their phone numbers on the walls of bathrooms at truck stops, steal the license plate of his car and put it on another car that is involved in crime.

Since Rove politics are not dead, does that make him a terrorist?

- loudfuel268 - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

Rove is a fascist.

- Obama/Biden 2012! - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

Rove is a right wing nut case who should be in an institution.

- Robin - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

Carl Rove is a criminal and should be in prison

- Scott K - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

Paranoia is alive and well among the Obamatons

- scottso360 - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

well, bush is a terrorist.

bush napalmed iraqi civilians. terrorism.

rove is very smart. i don't know about moral.

- K~E~G - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

I think that Karl Rove deserves to be put in jail for lying on Don Siegleman (former governor of Alabama) and getting him sent to prison and what's funny is that all of this got brought up when he was running for governor a 2nd time and probably would have won the election.

- Icarus - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

I seriously doubt there is any accuracy to your allegations. It sounds like you have been reading too many left-wing blogs. But assuming you are right for the sake of argument, no, the "Rovian tactics" you imagine would not be terrorist tactics. Terrorist tactics usually involve beheading innocent people. (Get a life.)

- troopshomebyxmas - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

No - you need a dictionary.

edit: oh, and an increased lithium prescription.

- UNCLE WILLIE - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

Him,George Bush, Dick "Shooter" Chaney, G.G. Liddy and all of the crude oily palm gang.