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how to get twitter followers help? - love being an aunt!!!! - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

I want to get a twitter I'm 18 and I have been wanting one for awhile but none of my friends have one and I would start out with no followers how do you get followers if your friends don't have twitter? Thanks

- Mike - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

You need a sex tape. Look what its done for the Kardashians.

- Faith - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

I'll follow you. Here is my account -

I have about 227 followers. That is a lot for just an average person.

Are you active on Twitter? I post a lot mainly at night. I also have a lot of celebrities who follow me. Some I knew as a kid and some I met later & some I met on Twitter and we've become very good friends. Others just for some odd reason decide to follow me. Whoopi of all people picked to follow me a few weeks ago. lol Yes, the real Whoopi. She is sweet.

I just write on there the way I talk to people. I will post a Tweet myself a few times ago. I may include pictures of bread which I make homemade, work my kids do, funny photos of my kids, random funny pictures and things like that. I also share my Christian faith, vent out of anger and ask for prayer. I'm just who I am on Twitter.

So just be yourself. That is the first key. Don't be someone you are not just to get followers.

Next, reply to people you follow. If I see someone mention they are at the airport flying some where I tell them something like "Have a safe flight" or just casual things I'd say to a friend.

Don't over Tweet either. Posting a lot of things at one time can be annoying.

Don't write celebrities a lot saying things like "FOLLOW ME PLEASE" or "I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!!" that gets annoying plus celebrities see that all the time.

Try to be different when writing celebrities. That is what I do and I think that is how some of us have made that friend connection. One former guy from one of my favorite tv show is on Twitter. We connected a few years on Twitter. I just wrote him one day after writing his new book. We clicked. I talked to him the way I would talk to anyone. I just wrote him something like "I admire your honesty in your book. It is hard to share something like child abuse. You didn't sugar coat it. You told it how it was." From then on we've been friends even to the point where I know where he spends his Christmas vacation with his family & we tweeted a lot Christmas day.

I see Twitter as a way to connect with many people at once. The key is to be who you are, say what you would say in real life.

Like if I was going Tweet right now I would share what was going on in my life. So I would say something like "Relaxing. Spent over an hour packing toys to donate to our church shoebox charity." plus I'd add a link

So you are 18, write about things in your life. Are you looking for a college? What are your fears and worries? Plus write about what helps you in your life. Is there a quote a friend gave you that helps ease your fears? What did you do today to help you towards your goals in young adulthood?

As a Christian, homeschooling mom and stay at home mom I try to use my Tweets as a way to share my daily life but also help others in their daily life.

I don't know why I get so many followers but I'm flattered & honored someone would want to follow me because honestly my life is rather common and boring.

But you know . . . I also think maybe that is why some celebrities follow me. Maybe Whoopi is curious at how life is being a stay at home mom and homeschooling my kids. lol

Who knows.

Just be YOU and hopefully people will follow.

Follow me then write me and tell me you are from Yahoo Answers. I'll then recommend you in my #FF (Follow Friday). Hopefully that will help.

- a n d r e a. - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

Follow a lot of people who follow back. Tell all your friends to follow you. Stuff like that.

Also, I'll follow you back if you follow me. Mine is @YourrMom__.

I have 4,919 followers

- Anderson Kammer - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

You can get twitter follower many ways. Such as by following more people there, by making good tweet or from social exchange site.

- Pamela - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

Search for your friend by putting there name in the search box, you will find them. Follow them, they will follow you back.

If your friends are not on Twitter, then find out the guys and gals who are similar you think, follow them, they will follow you back for sure.