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Where is the best place to advertise stuff sold on - Printable Version

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Where is the best place to advertise stuff sold on - Quinn6908 - 11-27-2012 06:51 AM

I am a new seller on the website Does anyone have experience selling on this site or selling crafts online? If so where and how is the best place to advertise your shop? Feel free to check out mine and let me know what you think....

(i sell hats and bows for babies and kids)

- Robert - 11-27-2012 07:00 AM

try, also try ebay, upload videos of what you are selling with their info on youtube. that should help!

- bricorrine - 11-27-2012 07:00 AM

Aww!First off conrats on the new store!You can advertise on FaceBook,for only a dollar a day you can create an add for your store,and it will appear for the whole world to see!Enter your site in search engines.And if ur store sells some really adorable Japanise Kawaii clothes for babies to,allthingskawaii will take in your site and advertise it for free!Become an affilliate,create a store banner and ask people to post it to their blog/site,and in return you post their small banner somewhere on your etsy account.Make a t-shirt,wear it,make sure it has your site on it!And maybe make doubles for friends?Hang up flyers on mailboxes and appartment boards.E-mail people!Start a chain letter via-e-mail!Tell everybody to forward it,or pass it around!
Good luck with your business!
Btw I am 12,I own my own online business,,doing these things to advertise my store has done GREATLY with sales!I make SOO much more now!
Have fun,and good luck!

- tealightshoppe - 11-27-2012 07:00 AM

Hi there,
Here are some advertising tips that I think will greatly benefit your shop!

1) Online Advertising. Start a blog, facebook fanpage, twitter, and myspace. You can also advertise on the Etsy forums (click on "community" at the top of the etsy page and then click "forums"). All these sites will increase your traffic dramatically if you use it strategically.

2) Set up Google Base. Google base is what gets your items into the "shopping results" you see when people search on Google. There are instructions on how to do so here:

3) Make some business cards and pass them out to everyone you know. Word of mouth is a great way to increase traffic and sales. Also, since your target market is little kids, so leave your business cards at local daycares and give your card out to as many mommies as you can!

4) If you want to do some cheap paid advertising, take a look at Google Adwords and Project Wonderful.

Hope this helps and good luck with your shop!