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How can I market my small computer repair business on a shoe string budget? - Printable Version

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How can I market my small computer repair business on a shoe string budget? - irishdude - 11-27-2012 06:54 AM

How can I create a buzz and word of mouth advertising with out using, vouchers, print media, flyer's Internet, social media, website, or google adds etc? I have all those and am looking from an innovative idea. Any ideas folks?

- Jan409 - 11-27-2012 07:02 AM

my son has a computer repair business
he started by leaving his business cards in carry out restaurants, chip shops, and the like
then when he had enough work coming in, he then progressed to adverts in local papers,
yellow pages and the like
off course he has a website optimised off course
Now he never advertises at all, as word of mouth does it for him.

- Joe Davis - 11-27-2012 07:02 AM

To make serious money self employed you have to become famous in your market

Learn how to write press releases Then do a bit of charity work helping someone fix their computer Then write a press release and send it to the local paper
Remember this item should be news worthy and have an interesting photo

I once had a two page spread in our local paper worth thousands in advertising
and a 2 minute feature on regional BBC TV news hitting millions of potential customers

You may also try a marketing network These are usually breakfast meetings where local traders promote you to their customers and you do likewise to yours

Remember that relying only on word of mouth is a dangerous marketing tactic as in a few months your customers will find someone else to talk about Your work will dry up and you will then blame the economy or something...

- renamecor - 11-27-2012 07:02 AM

Send your question to as they have experience with small businesses and startups