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What are some sites or places to go to find some legit work at home jobs? - Printable Version

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What are some sites or places to go to find some legit work at home jobs? - The Man - 11-27-2012 06:54 AM

I am currently looking for an work at home job in the Information technology field in the Houston area. I am looking for this particular position because I am uncomfortable around people yet of course I still need to work. I currently have an bachelors degree in computer information systems.I have looked for this particular position in job sites such as,, but have found very few if any. Any information about legit jobs would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

- Richard L - 11-27-2012 07:02 AM

Are there virtual opportunities in IT? - Yes, Some companies will let you work as a virtual employee for a part or all of your hours but that is usually only after you have worked there for a while and proven yourself as a trusted employee. Often these opportunities are granted as a reward for service. They may at first allow you to work 1-2 days/week from home and eventually just be 100% virtual. Of course the next manager may come in and decide that virtual work is "bad" and employees are more effective working from an office. Also a few bad apples often will take advantage of virtual work and run a second business while at home or do babysitting when they are supposed to be working.

You will see in a very small number of job postings that virtual work is possible for positions. Going looking for a job with virtual employment as your primary requirement in this tough job market is going to really limit your possibilities of finding a job.

As far as your discomfort working around people - I will tell you that this is an issue you will need to work on as it is a real career killer.

I'm not an extrovert myself. There are some learned things that have helped me and can help you. I'm not talking about trying to change you to be an extrovert. I will never be an extrovert and I suspect that you won't be either. However, we can work on some communications skills that will make it easier for us to relate to others in business and social situations when they come up.

The book "Confidence and power in dealing with people" and Dale Carnegie books and courses are a valuable thing for an introvert person. So is the Toastmasters organization. I so wish I have seen these earlier in my life and in my career.

They can help you learn some simple learned tricks that will make these people interactions and relationships easier for you. Sometimes we can't control our environment and can't find a job where we are nestled away in a corner and seldom have human interactions. In almost every positions you will have to deal with bosses, project managers, clients, customers, engineers, programmers, co-workers, vendors, officials, auditors, trainers, trainees and the list goes on and on.

It is so hard when you see people who are not as gifted as you get promoted or receive raises while you remain in the same position. They get promoted because they are more gifted in relationships and communications and this has paid off for them because it is not what you know but who you know that can help in business.

Sadly when you and I are reluctant to speak in meetings and have problems conveying our thoughts it leaves people with the impression that we are not intelligent. That is not a good thing in a business because it places us in jeopardy of losing our jobs when the next round of layoffs happens.

Sometimes you have to work on the only thing that you have the power to change and that is you. Trying to find a career that feeds you being able to hide from people is really going to limit you. If you enjoy animation and digital media and are good at it then you need to proceed that direction.

Best wishes!