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I need help finding an IPO for a company!? - Printable Version

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I need help finding an IPO for a company!? - jaysenedwinward - 11-27-2012 06:54 AM

Mobile and Facebook game developer Zynga is announcing an IPO next week or so. I am new to the stock market and really need help on how to get in on this. I have a scottrade account but something tells me things like this are done through specific banks. How do I find the ticker symbol in time (does not exist yet) and how do I buy it if not through scottrade?
I tried to buy stock in LinkedIn last week during their IPO and I could not. I missed out on a 100% increase. =(

- LordGodGoose - 11-27-2012 07:02 AM

As a "regular person" you CANNOT get in on an either have to be a "valued client" (ie Multi-million-dollar investor) of the issuing brokerage house, or a friend of the people who own the company going public...


- A Nobody - 11-27-2012 07:02 AM

In order to participation in a new issue you have to enter your order with a brokerage firm. This is done by calling the firm and placing your indication.

Most of new issues are done through brokerage firms and not banks.

Unless you are a long standing customer with a brokerage firm and have substantial account balances (even if it's a margin account), along with a history of high trading activity you are NOT going to participate in the new issue. You can have the firm place an order for the stock when it hits the secondary market.

No member of the selling group would ever give their allotment of stock to a "Newbie" or and amateur. Allocations go to those that are willing to participate in all the company's selling activities for new issues, the good along with the bad ones. They also know that when you take down a new issue, you do not sell it out back to the syndicate since all compensations are lost, as part of your take down you hold the stock until the syndicate closes.