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are there 5 good resons why to love justin bieber? - Printable Version

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are there 5 good resons why to love justin bieber? - Grace - 11-27-2012 06:55 AM

my Friend in school said if i find 5 good reasons why she should like justin that she might convert. so i really need some points

- sl0wm03 - 11-27-2012 07:03 AM

I can not think of 1 reason why to like him, to be honest I can't think of 1 of his songs names, I can listen to a female singer and hear the same tone and pitch.
Woah there's some reasons why not to like him.

- Jacqueline Bieber - 11-27-2012 07:03 AM

Well here's my five points:

1. He is very talented. He can sing, dance, play four instruments and co-writes his songs.

2. He is a very inspirational person. He teaches his fans that you should believe in your dreams no matter what and that eventhough you'll get people saying "No" to you, you should never give up. He also teaches his fans to make a change.

3. He does a lot of charity work. For example he cut of a bit of his hair and sold it. He helps a charity called Pencil Of Promises which builds schools for children. He meet 30 children from the Make A Wish Foundation. There was also this one family that were struggling and needed help to pay their medical bills so he got everybody to raise money to help them out. He is obviously a very caring person and uses his fame to help others.

4. His loves towards his fans. He takes time out from his busy schedule to reply, DM, retweet and follow fans on Twitter. There was also this one girl who had some kind of illness and he took the time out to go meet her.

5. He is a very hard working person. He performs on stage even when he's sick because he doesn't want to let his fans down. He performed on a broken leg and when he was on the verge of vomiting. He is a strong person and doesn't taken any crap from anybody.

6. How he handles the haters. Everybody is always saying he is "gay", he "looks and sings like a girl", but he kills his haters with kindness. Like one time he dressed up as an old women and was like "That Justin Bieber guy looks like a girl". He was making fun of himself which shows haters have nothing on him.

There's a bunch more. I hope your friend converts to a Belieber. He is amazing Big Grin

- Lill D - 11-27-2012 07:03 AM

1.He is sweet as can be.
2.He never gives up on his dreams and teaches everybody else to do the same.
4.he takes the time to see his fans and talk to them,not just blow us off.
5.and take away the fame n money his just like every other 17 yr old.