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Obama Supporters Threaten to Riot, Will there be a riot if Obama isnt relected? - Printable Version

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Obama Supporters Threaten to Riot, Will there be a riot if Obama isnt relected? - CHECK MY PROFILE®⚑ - 11-27-2012 06:57 AM
Secret Service attention fails to dampen violent Twitter comments.

Despite the issue garnering a significant amount of media interest as well as the attention of the Secret Service, Obama supporters continued their threats to riot and assassinate Mitt Romney if Obama loses in the aftermath of last night’s presidential debate.

As we reported last week, Twitter has been flooded recently with violent comments from Obama supporters. The increase in volume of the comments seemed to coincide with Romney’s poll numbers edging higher against Obama.

Not only have Obama voters been making open threats that they will riot and cause mayhem, they have also been caught making direct threats to assassinate Mitt Romney, prompting the Secret Service to announce that it was “aware” of the threats and would “conduct appropriate follow up if necessary.”

Despite the fact that the media reported extensively on threats made against Obama prior to the 2008 election, their silence on the threats made against Romney has been deafening. Indeed, the act of a few old guys hanging up empty chairs in reference to Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech garnered substantially more coverage and concern from the press compared to hundreds if not thousands of tweets threatening violence against Mitt Romney.

Americans who simply display political signs expressing opposition to Obama’s policies have been treated as potential violent threats by authorities in the past, and yet not a single Twitter user has faced retribution for making direct and sometimes graphic death threats against Romney.

Leftists routinely cry foul and attempt to demonize conservatives as violent extremists whenever online rhetoric gets heated, and yet when their own engage in even worse conduct, their behavior is absolved and the media is disinterested
Here are just a selection of tweets from Obama supporters threatening riots and violence during and after last night’s foreign policy debate. There are too many to reprint in full.

If the Secret Service does plan on following this up, they are going to be very busy indeed.

( More on Link )

- GOZ2FAST - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

We will let them throw their little tantrums, lock them up if necessary, but eventually they will have to grow up and act like adults and get back to work.

- William Z - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

No because we are more civilized & smarter than Romney supporters.

- Maad - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

Seriously doubt this will happen. But threats will be taken seriously. The police and national guards will be on the alert.
Thanks for the heads up.

- Chaotic - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

My gosh those death threats were terrible. I don't think Romney's OR Obama's lives should be threatened. People who hate Romney this much need to get a life seriously. I hear people say they will kill themselves if Romney gets elected and some republicans say that if Obama will get re elected it's so sickening to hear comments like these.

I think these people who make comments like these should be watched and kept an eye on very closely, I don't think some of them are joking sad to wonder some of my friends are loosing faith in humanity with idiots like those people around geesh.

- Duran Duran - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

Oh the ever so tolerant, non-violent liberal left. I'm not surprised.