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Is my boyfriend being disrespectful, or am I just overreacting? - Printable Version

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Is my boyfriend being disrespectful, or am I just overreacting? - prcsm - 11-27-2012 06:58 AM

He's 20, I'm 19, and we've been dating for a little over a year. I don't have Twitter, but he does, and I like to take a look at it sometimes. I don't think he knows I do. I've noticed that he follows random girls that went to our high school but he doesn't actually know them. I know he just does it because he thinks they're hot. There are a few other girls that went to different schools around my area, and some random ones I've never even heard of before. He isn't even friends with these girls on Facebook. Why is he doing this? What if they followed him back, which a few of them have, and they got talking? What is he trying to achieve? Am I not good enough for him? It's one thing to follow hot celebrities, which he does as well and that obviously doesn't bother me as much at all. Am I overreacting, or would you be weirded out by this too?

- :) - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

I only made a twitter a week ago and you follow whoever really, even follow people just because they're hot but definitely doesn't mean you'll speak to them, and they're also just number to add to the followers count. I wouldn't worry about it, maybe you could ask if he actually talks to any of them to put your mind at ease? Smile

- Monarchco - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

He's trying to hook up!

- Just Thinking - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

Yes and No, it could be just an ego stroke for him and that's to do with his feeling of self esteem it's kind of like having 600 friends on Facebook which is a nonsense but some people feel the need to add anyone who comes along. I wouldn't be to worried unless it started encroaching on your time with him then I would feel it was an issue.... don't forget it takes men a lot longer to mature than girls.

- jane tu - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

you are over reacting twitter is to follow people you cant have a twitter and not follow people!

- Michael - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

if i were you i would start a twitter account and follow random guys and give him a taste of what your feeling. more than likley this will result in a argument thus agreeing to both deleting both accounts,,,
I know what your feeling! and it sucks.. in my opinion i think if you are in a relationship then niether side should have any online social page Twitter, myspace, facebook etc.... No, you are not overeacting you have the right to feel left out exspecially when he's following girls he think he could get lucky with!

- Foxi Saiyan - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

OMG what a hysterical girl you are.
Give him some privacy he is not cheating on you. -.-