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What to say to my heros (idols)? - Printable Version

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What to say to my heros (idols)? - BRi - 11-27-2012 06:58 AM

I'm writing a fan letter to my idols, one to each of the Simple Plan guys.
I'm trying to get it to be just right...but I just don't know how to open and end the letter and how to make it flow smoothly throughout the whole thing

And how do I make the letter really pop? sometimes when the letter looks cool or has a cool drawing in it they take a picture and post it on instagram and twitter.
even if they dont do that I want it to pop to them
I cant really ideas?
I'm not sure if they reply to letters or not but if you add your twitter on the letter they usually make a tweet "Thanks for the letter @blahblahblah!" then add a personal message.
They do read every single letter, they promise us that.
One of the 5 guys have replied to me on twitter xD
Can I email you?

- Faith - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

Just speak to them like they are normal people. Talk to them like you are sitting across from them at a table.

I have some friends who are actually well known celebrities. Some I met growing up and others I met later when they were adults. Some are child stars of the 80s while others are co stars or stars on a current tv show/movie. Also a few I've met on Twitter and we've become very close friends.

My point is all celebrities are people just like you and I. Every single day they hear "I love you!!!" or "I've seen your movie 10 times" or "PLEASE write me back!" or even "marry me!"

What catches their attention is REAL people talking to them like REAL people. Also some find it interesting to learn about YOU. Not how much you love them but who YOU are.

The problem though with fan letters is celebrities can get TONS & TONS of mail. Some read all their fan mail but rarely have time to answer it. Some have their parents or other family members read it & answer it with prewritten letters. Others may hire someone to do it for them.

All in all it is often just a lucky shot that some does write and connect with their idols. Just do your best.

Now you did say they are on Twitter. Write to them while they are online. Like I said above I have met a few of my favorite celebrities on Twitter and I am stunned when they write me back then most of all follow me.

Most recently Whoopi Goldberg followed me! lol I'm not lying. Here is my Twitter page
If you look at my followers Whoopi is about #19 from the top. You will celebrities too. Some are personal friends and others just happened to follow me too.

Now I did nothing special what so ever to have Whoopi follow me. I just wrote to her like I do everyone else. She asked what we did for the weekend. As usual most tons of users wrote her back saying "I love you Whoopi!" or "Please RT ME!!" or "FOLLOW ME!"

Me? I just wrote - I had a good weekend. We went to a huge family reuion & I got eaten alive by bugs! But we had fun. lol

She wrote me back and said "I'm glad they didn't get all of you." I think she added lol and some smilies.

Next thing I knew an hour later she was following me.

I am just myself online. That who everyone gets on Twitter, here and other sites. I'm real. I'm not fake. I'm not begging for people to pay attention to me or begging celebrities to talk to me. I'm who I am.

I think that is the key when you want to meet someone famous. Be yourself. Remember they are people too and all in all they want to see the real you. Not some screaming fainting fan. lol