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How do i get rid of following on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How do i get rid of following on Twitter? - firebirdphoenix24 - 11-27-2012 06:58 AM

So i signed up yesterday and automatically have 20 people i'm following. How do I get rid of them? I do not want to follow them.

- A.R. - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

click on the people you're following
look at the action column
the box with the gear thing, click it then
click unfollow

- Roseanne - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

Go to your twitter page, go on the sidebar where it is filled with your information and all these links. Go to the top of that sidebar. You should see these links that say, 'following','followers', and 'updates'. Click on 'Following'. There you can see all those people you currently are following. There is an action button there with a gear icon. Click on that and there is an option that says Unfollow. Click on that. There you have it.

- Wichita LOL - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

If they are people who are following you... then you go to your follower section and hit the little flower thing next to their picture and click unfollow or block all together.

I also have people following me on twitter I don't know. I am so happy some people find what I say that important that they follow. lol

- BodyByChocolates - 11-27-2012 07:06 AM

1. Logon to your Twitter acct
2. Select Followers
3. You'll see two icons on the right of each person that is following you.
4. Click icon that looks like wheel on far right
5. Select option that appears which states "Unfollow PeopleString"
6. Done

NOTE: The above may alter from time to time as Twitter updates the way things are displayed from time to time, but the general process should remain the same.

EXTRA: If these are offenseive people to you, you may choose to block using the same approach but choosing "Block PeopleString" instead. I recommend using this sparingly as it can lead to people being suspended from Twitter if to many people block them.

HOWEVER -------------------------------------- And this is a huge HOWEVER

May I ask a question? Hope so, here it goes.

Why are you choosing to unfollow these people?

Just because you don't know someone is no reason to unfollow them. The whole concept behind Twitter is following and being followed. Instead of unfollowing them I would use a sorce called Twitter Karma to evaluate if you want these people to be following you.

Reasons to unfollow someone.
1. As soon as you follow them they unfollow you.
2. They do not make regular new posts (which may indicate that they are bots.)
3. They are offensive, abusive, or spammy in some way.

But just because you don't know them is no reason to unfollow them if your desire is to succeed on Twitter.

Hope that helps. Feel free to Tweet @BodyByChocolate with more questions if you like. Also look for Thurs TweetTalk with @Jawar and @BodyByChocolate where you can get all your Twitter questions answered life.

The Body By Chocolate Man