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Twitter not working, help? - Printable Version

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Twitter not working, help? - SullenSun - 11-27-2012 06:59 AM

i just signed up last night to try it out because i was kinda bored.

i can't tweet, every time i try a message pops up saying there was a problem and that i should try again in a minute but it doesn't matter how long i leave it because it still isn't working.
i also can't edit my bio or upload a picture because it says there is something technically wrong. i thought it would fix itself eventually and was just site maintenance or something but it has gotten worse today. the technical message appears whenever i try to go to my settings and the list of people i am following won't load.

i don't know if others are experiencing the same problem or if it something i have overlooked that is causing this but any help would be appreciated since i'm still new to twitter.

- ­ - 11-27-2012 07:07 AM

Their engineers are aware of the situation and are working to resolve and have released a fix for this issue. This seems to only affect users using Firefox and Chrome from

If you are still experiencing the problem described below, please let them know in the comments section: